Metale Halide


Well-Known Member
Maybe cause we've had shit stolen before and know how much it pisses us off, us growing weed and criticizing you for being a thief is not hypocrisy. If we were thieves and were criticizing you for being a thief that would be hypocrisy, and I'm pretty sure no one is trying to get you kicked off the forums. I don't give a shit if your on the forum or not that don't mean I like you though. :finger:


Well-Known Member
Maybe cause we've had shit stolen before and know how much it pisses us off, us growing weed and criticizing you for being a thief is not hypocrisy. If we were thieves and were criticizing you for being a thief that would be hypocrisy, and I'm pretty sure no one is trying to get you kicked off the forums. I don't give a shit if your on the forum or not that don't mean I like you though. :finger:
i agree, if you steal your shit why the fuck do you need to tell every else like your trying to impress someone? like it's something everyone can't do,


Well-Known Member
haha alright just trying to grow weed here alright..we all have something in common so keep the peace alright


Well-Known Member
First of all. Growing weed is only illegal because some fuck on a high horse decided it was against his fundamentals.

Stealing is illegal BECAUSE ITS MORALLY WRONG!!!

If you steal, you don't respect others, which means you don't respect yourself. Which is sad.


Well-Known Member
umm hey man i dont care..ill steal whenever i feel like it..honestly just stop writing these comments..u sound like a bunch of 5 year olds


Well-Known Member
What the fuck did I say Nlights420??? nobody here wants to help thieves, we only help baby rapists in this forum...Id suggest you better start raping babies or find a new place to seek advice


Well-Known Member
umm you guys are flakes..none of you have stolen anything before..bullshit grow up not robbin a house..i took it from a worldwide sure i put them out of business..fuckin pricks


Well-Known Member
You shouldnt advertise that you stole in the first place. Sometimes its better to keep your mouth shut about things that are looked down upon in society.... don't ya think????


Well-Known Member
no because i said it sound like a bunch of fems..theres 10 pages about me stealin..get over it man..i dont care just stop talking


Well-Known Member
You keep bringing it up man. whats your problem? What info are you looking for? Why are you here? instead of egging this stupid ass debate on, ask some fucking questions or you will never get any anywhere here


Well-Known Member
apparently you missed like this entire just switched it eggin it on really..thats some accurate information u got there..i think uve had a lil to many shrooms bro..


Well-Known Member
if your such a great theif and you were tryin to show it off opening a forum stating you stole bulbs, why dont you go plant searchin and just steal a plant fucker


Well-Known Member
see what I mean, im tryin to help you and you turn it around. ill give it another chance, what do you need? obviously your looking for advise... and yeah, everything that you post is about how we are all fucked cause nobody likes thieves. Im trying to cross that river and help you, and you just talk shit.... get over it. your a clepto, and the way I see it, cool. The more clepto's in this world, the more asses I get to kick! thats what happens to people that steal shit from my crew. quit with all the bullshit and get down to brass tax