

New Member
there is like zero possibility that is anything else ..never seen meth and I know that is meth lol because

1) I have seen about everything else and it looks like nothing else
2) Hicks call it ICE and it is clear so I see why

Throw it away or put it back - DO NOT USE IT


Well-Known Member
Seen that crap take people out in a very short time. Bad news any way you stack it. Best bet is to put it where it should be, flushed!


Active Member
hollow out a lightbulb like a vaporizer, put it in there and hold a lighter below it, if it melts then smokes a fuckton and tastes like chemicals when you inhale it, its meth, so you should give it to me, but no seriously, its alright but id stay away, its a dirty drug that makes you feel like shit afterwards, days and days of not eating and not sleeping are bad for you


I know this guy that tried that shit once......fucked him over for about a year till he finally got off