

Well-Known Member
you have no idea what you're talking about, frankly. clinically, "alcoholism" is a meaningless phrase. you can say someone has alcohol dependence or abuse.

let's consult a dsm-iv for a diagnosis for dependence:

maladaptive pattern of substance abuse leading to clinically significant impairment or distress as manifested by 3 or more of the following within a 12 month period:

1) tolerance, as defined by either (a) need for markedly increased amounts to achieve the desired effect or (b) markedly diminished effect using the same amount
2)withdrawal, as manifested by either (a) the characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance or (b) the same or similar substance is taken to avoid withdrawal
3)substance is taken in larger amounts or longer times than intended
4)there is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down use
5)great deal of time spent on activities necessary to obtain, use, or recover from effects of substance
6)important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced du to substance use
7)substance use is continued despite knowledge of having persistent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or made worse by the substance

if you meet 3 or more of these criteria in the last 12 months, you have a substance dependence problem, clinically.

now abuse:

a maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to impairment or distress as manifested by one or more within the last 12 months

1) recurrent substance use resulting in failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home
2) recurrent substance use in situations where it is physically hazardous
3) recrrent substance related legal problems
4) continued substance use despite having persistent social or interpersonal problems caused or made worse by the substance.
That's some great information, thank you for sharing. But telling me, "you don't know what you're talking about" is a false statement -- I know exactly what I'm talking about: it is you who does not know what I am talking about. There is a medical definition for alcoholism:
I've been through the program. I know what it takes and how easy it is to abuse. I guess that's why it seemed like I was coming down on this person for not taking their alcohol consumption seriously after admitting to having a family background and showing lack of concern with responsibly handling alcohol.

I'm not going to sit here and butt heads with you all day as to what constitutes as alcoholism because that isn't a battle you can win with me and I have no desire to take part in it. We've both expressed our differing opinions and I'd like to end this conversation, back on topic:

Meth is bad.


Well-Known Member
That's some great information, thank you for sharing. But telling me, "you don't know what you're talking about" is a false statement -- I know exactly what I'm talking about: it is you who does not know what I am talking about. There is a medical definition for alcoholism:
I've been through the program. I know what it takes and how easy it is to abuse. I guess that's why it seemed like I was coming down on this person for not taking their alcohol consumption seriously after admitting to having a family background and showing lack of concern with responsibly handling alcohol.

I'm not going to sit here and butt heads with you all day as to what constitutes as alcoholism because that isn't a battle you can win with me and I have no desire to take part in it. We've both expressed our differing opinions and I'd like to end this conversation, back on topic:

Meth is bad.
sorry to be harsh, but this is something i take a bit too seriously for my own good.

although AA has been proven effective, it is not science-based. it is religious/spiritually based and not clinical in any way.

the distinction between abuse and dependence is an important one. laying the blanket of "alcoholism" can actually hurt instead of help.

the dsm-iv criteria i posted above can be applied to any substance, alcohol or meth or even cannabis, just in case anyone wants to know if they abuse or are dependent on cannabis.


Well-Known Member
sorry to be harsh, but this is something i take a bit too seriously for my own good.

although AA has been proven effective, it is not science-based. it is religious/spiritually based and not clinical in any way.

the distinction between abuse and dependence is an important one. laying the blanket of "alcoholism" can actually hurt instead of help.

the dsm-iv criteria i posted above can be applied to any substance, alcohol or meth or even cannabis, just in case anyone wants to know if they abuse or are dependent on cannabis.
You just couldn't end it upon my request could you? you just have to prove me wrong, don't you? what the fuck guy?

If you read the link I gave you, it quoted the medical definition of alcoholism, which includes both dependency and abuse. That definition is in conjuncture with the The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. There really isn't much science that can be done to screen for alcoholism at a high level and most is diagnosed through family history. More about that can be read here:

If you believe there is no clinical information in AA/NA then you have never participated. There are lots of science based facts that work great with the spiritual/religious approach, that's why it's get the best of both worlds.

Having requested to end this conversation with you once, I'll ask again after having the opportunity to reasonably defend my stance, can we please leave it here? There's nothing more to debate. Thank you.


New Member
If you want to feel good and be energized take rolls or MDMA they're probably full of meth anyway.


New Member
Thats like saying blue cheese is like cheddar cheese because they both say cheese

Its all amphetamines correct but the slight difference in molecular structure plays a big difference in your brain.

Adderall is two different amphetamine salts yes. Dextroamphetamine and i think amphetamine? Pretty sure thats the 2 basic drugs in it


Active Member
methylphenidate is prescribe for adhd not methamphetamine
Methamphetamine is prescribed for ADHD. In the US it is marketed as Desoxyn.


hxxp:// (As you can see methamphetamine is schedule 2)


Well-Known Member
Dextroamphetamine, yes... 'Meth' in itself is just a colloquial term slapped onto amphetamines. Regardless of whether the recreational drug is the same as the prescription drug (which people abuse anyway) I still can't understand why weed is illegal when so many things worse are. Economic bullshit aside, I still think it's MADNESS. I know so many people who end up In hospital after too many nights of boozing, too much ket and E... Do you know why? Because they hear that pot was soooo bad for them.

It's crazy. Absolutely, absurdly fucking nuts. People are dying overdosing on harder drugs or fighting eachother in the streets because they think it's awful to get high on pot. I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about how my mother flipped out when he found out I smoke yet my psych wanted me on all sorts of other drugs that were 'safe' because they're legal. WTF is the world coming to...


New Member
Meth stands for methyl. CH3. Its not just some term slapped on. Its what the chem is

Now @forget i stand corrected. I dont hear about desoxyn much. ^_^


Active Member
Dextroamphetamine, yes... 'Meth' in itself is just a colloquial term slapped onto amphetamines. Regardless of whether the recreational drug is the same as the prescription drug (which people abuse anyway) I still can't understand why weed is illegal when so many things worse are. Economic bullshit aside, I still think it's MADNESS. I know so many people who end up In hospital after too many nights of boozing, too much ket and E... Do you know why? Because they hear that pot was soooo bad for them.

It's crazy. Absolutely, absurdly fucking nuts. People are dying overdosing on harder drugs or fighting eachother in the streets because they think it's awful to get high on pot. I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about how my mother flipped out when he found out I smoke yet my psych wanted me on all sorts of other drugs that were 'safe' because they're legal. WTF is the world coming to...
Coming to? Have you missed the 20th century? Need I list off every instance of ethnic cleaning that has occurred since since the Armenian genocide. Need I remind everyone of the Rape of Nanking? The rapid industrialization of Russia was made possible by using a robust prison population as slave labor. It was not economic planning but the gulags that pulled Russia out from its agrarian base. The Germans would build work camps for the same reasons. How about the fire bombing of Japan? The use of WMDs against Japanese and Korean citizens by the US goverment? The secret bombing of Laos and Cambodia? The smuggling of cocaine into America by the CIA to fund the Contras without congressional approval?

If you think giving kids meth is bad look up what Halliburton/KBR did to Jamie Lee Jones and countless others. Corporations rule our country. They make the laws with their lobbying power. Why the fuck would the FDA let something that both can't be patented, and can be produced cheaply at home. Surely you don't think these people are concerned about human life.

Repeat after me: The rich and powerful will exploit the poor and powerless.

Let me assure you that what you think the world is coming to is already here staring you in the face. Gulags as a source of slave labor is nothing new. The only difference is these gulags get to offer stock on the NYSE.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I saw this thread and thought it said Urca was getting back at me for the Murder is Wrong


Well-Known Member
Go and hang out with a group of tweakers it will probably change your mind about trying it.Everybody hates tweakers.Ive tryed it wasnt that great,x is the funnest and yayo.But its best to not do anything.So i stay sober.


Well-Known Member
i did meth for a few weeks in high school. i didnt like it. i was too excited all the time lol. the first night i did it, i rode my bike home real fast then when i got home i stripped down to my boxers and did a shitload of pushups. like hundreds haha.
i didnt really like it much. it keeps you up for longass periods of time, then you crash for like a whole day. not worth it at all

speaking of adderall, i bought my friends prescription from him one time at a kickback and split it with his sister. i swallowed a bunch and snorted a good amount of them with her. altogether i know i did over 10 throughout the night. i was awake for 2 weeks after that. i have a bigass sticker of master chief from halo on my closet door, and one night i watched him walking for a few minutes haha

drugs are bad, mmkay?