Methoxetamine? Anyone Research It Yet?


Well-Known Member
well let me also say i tripped on 300mgs of dxm the night before. more research needs to be done for more conclusive results. but i did mhole for around two hours! on 40 mgs, 20mgs back to back with about 30mins prelude to the hole. since i have both k and mxe you should be able to expect more in depth comparisons in the coming week.
I'm sure of it ;)

But DXM really? Is is pure powder? Not the Triple C's or Cough Syrup rightttttttttttttttttttt......


Well-Known Member
lol delsym but dxm is the only active ingredient. i took the easiest option for that adventure :(
Ah well took a bottle of robitussin and Triple C's once a long while ago... horrible experience. I felt sick and drowned out. I didn't feel me, my mind didn't know me, I was but a mere reflection without an identity. Not fun and it does a horrible job on your walking and speech skills.... which who knows those side effects could persist after use... if used regularly and heavily!


Well-Known Member
Don't think we even have Deslym here. Its illegal in this state I believe because it only contains DXM.... which is considered a drug in the big manuel of narcotics ;)


Well-Known Member
DXM has always responded real well for me, great euphoria, I guess the mass amounts of serotonin it releases agrees with me..

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
DXM is in the middle of things.... so I either like to scrap off the top or bottom ;)
I hope this isn't a reference to the fact that in an order of NMDA antagonistic power their is a progression and that progression being DXM to Ketamine to PCP. You've mixed that up and put DXM in the middle before. Not hard to remember buddy.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
i never realy gave dxm a try. something about robo tripping just strikes me as high schoolish. plus i cant even get myself to drink cough syrup even if i am dieing let alone for fun. is it any better in pure form?


New Member
i never realy gave dxm a try. something about robo tripping just strikes me as high schoolish. plus i cant even get myself to drink cough syrup even if i am dieing let alone for fun. is it any better in pure form?
Nah, just dont get the sickness as some due with the liquid base.

DXM is not schoolish. just because its so easy accessible is why its done alot. dxm is a very powerful dissociative. Dont underestimate it

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Never believe you are above a substance. Especially not until you have tried it fairly and given it a good assessment. The term 'schoolish' is pretty 'high schoolish'. ;)

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
im not bashing it. i just could never make myself drink a bottle of cough syrup. i cant even stand the smell of it. i never realy looked into it , haddaway has sparked my interest tho. just something about the smell of cough syrup and a dirty buzz comes to mind


Well-Known Member
I hope this isn't a reference to the fact that in an order of NMDA antagonistic power their is a progression and that progression being DXM to Ketamine to PCP. You've mixed that up and put DXM in the middle before. Not hard to remember buddy.
You stand correct Mr. :D

Don't know why I always misplace there equivocal power ;)