Methylone 2c-i mix...


Active Member
About 10-11 hours, I took it after breakfast that morning about 12 noon, stoopped tripping around 10-11. I suppose my trust buds got me too sleep haha I smoked a lot during the end of the trip I suppose that allowed me to rest hehe :P it was such a great trip! I wish I had more so I could do it again and go further :D


Well-Known Member
110 is a lot be careful man. 2c-I I never got into. Always made me feel tight and tweaky. Can't imagine you're dose. Plus trip seemed empty and purely visual


Active Member
Fair enough my trip with 2CI was much better than when ive had 2CB and 2CE which is a lot of tiiimes trust me lol. But each to their own :P if I do get more though I will probally eat 250mgs :P That will be fun!