Methylone (Bk-MDMA)

I wouldn't make that claim until personal experimentation myself, especially in the era of rational drug design. However, I do prefer MDA I think, it's been awhile so that may have shifted back to MDMA. MDA just has that sort of 'dark tinge' with a bit of light visuals that I enjoy. The last batch of MDMA I got last year was pretty good, champagne from Europe originally, but the purity is simply not on par with (some) lab produced RCs.

Have you read the article called "Interview with a Ketamine chemist"? It's got some interesting info about how the RC business operates.

Yea, I likely should have said, Nothing I have tried can hold a candle.

But still it seems to me the newer (5years ago stuff) all drifted further and further away. Im sure some day their will likely be something better. I just dont think we are their yet.

Cant say I have ever seen the vice k chemist piece, But I actually have seen a facillity that bought bulk ketamine and repackaged for internet sales and if was a vermin ridden shit hole (granted it was after a tsunami, but some thinks cant be washed away)

Visuals of mda ? ? ? not saying it cant/doesent happen but I have never heard anyone in person say that. No offense but are you a young guy, im fairly certain most stuff floating around my area is anything but mdma, or at best some mix. It just has ben a totaly different thing (to me) the last 15-20 years. Most of the guys I know just buy directly from china/india some analog call it molly instead of buying god knows what and have a very uncertain experience. Nothing sucks more than being out partying with some chicks and geting jerked on "molly".
Yea, I likely should have said, Nothing I have tried can hold a candle.

But still it seems to me the newer (5years ago stuff) all drifted further and further away. Im sure some day their will likely be something better. I just dont think we are their yet.

Cant say I have ever seen the vice k chemist piece, But I actually have seen a facillity that bought bulk ketamine and repackaged for internet sales and if was a vermin ridden shit hole (granted it was after a tsunami, but some thinks cant be washed away)

Visuals of mda ? ? ? not saying it cant/doesent happen but I have never heard anyone in person say that. No offense but are you a young guy, im fairly certain most stuff floating around my area is anything but mdma, or at best some mix. It just has ben a totaly different thing (to me) the last 15-20 years. Most of the guys I know just buy directly from china/india some analog call it molly instead of buying god knows what and have a very uncertain experience. Nothing sucks more than being out partying with some chicks and geting jerked on "molly".

The visuals I refer to are a faint wisps of smoke and a slight alteration to color perception and general distortions, nothing like true psychedelic visuals. I usually pushed the dosage quite high (500mg or more) and was always smoking, so it may have been synergistic.

And I hear ya on the proliferation of fake molly/pills. Most kids these days haven't even had molly but some RC crap (because a lot of it is, you're right). That's why I reagent test (shit I even have a TLC kit as well) my stuff.

I usually buy my analogs from reputable US vendors that do the international sourcing, and again US domestic darknet vendors for the illegal stuff. I have been sent the wrong stuff, intentionally and mistakenly so it does happen. Just have to be vigilant and test your shit. It's cheap to send in samples to the lab for GCMS/HPLC testing these days.
What I have been receiving is pink little chunks of rocky crystal but the pink looks artificial almost like it’s a darker pink then what I’ve seen pics of the come down is fucking miserable. Also curious can it be smoked freebase style on aluminum foil like meth?


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How's it going guys?
So lately my area has been flooded with "pink molly" but little did I know it was not MDMA, but Methylone a RC.
It started maybe 2 weeks ago, a real close friend of a buddy of mine bought little over a kilo of this substance and it looks quite identical to MDMA moonrocks in a way, breaks down into a crystaline powder aswell.
Silly me should have been using a Testing Kit all along but I took a chance. Overall this RC is honestly pretty good, feels a lot like MDMA actually, well atleast to me.
The come up is about 20-40 minutes then you peak about an hour into it, and it gives the wonderful MDMA body high along with the empathy effects as well for a good 4-5 hours, and music sounds fucking amazing on it. it just wasn't as strong as I remember MDMA to be and I kept losing the "magic" feelings so I thought that maybe it was cut with something so I bought a Test Kit and I was shocked with the results....
These pink crystals that I thought were MDMA moon-rocks turned out to be Methylone.

I kind of new something was up, when he was selling me an 8th for $180, esp, of Moon rocks. Typically I've seen some pretty good MDMA crystals (tested too) go around for $70-90 a GRAM.
So that was the first red flag. The second red flag was the compulsivness to redose. When I roll on Molly I always struggle with this too, but normally I'm able to maintain. With this I felt as if it was unbearable.

So I'm really fucking pissed considering that I've consumed 1.2 grams of this stuff, I'm having a FUCKING horrible comedown and was $180 when I could have bought this shit for $200 an oz.
People are fucking pathetic selling RC's as MDMA... What's the world coming too?
Lived around fort Myers 2002 remember those rolls royces and pink Mitsubishi's that were going around?then you know what the fuck real MDMA feels like not this bullshit that's been going around I've never actually had any Molly that was actually really MDMA to be honest every bit of I've ever done was fucking bullshit
Euro press tabs back in the day were legit!