Methylone (Bk-MDMA)

you know sex is not a big thing for me on mdma I much prefer the relational/sensual/empathic qualities of the material to the sexual vibe one can get with this I feel they are worth a lot more in the end run then a good fuck...thats just me though
There's much better drugs for sex but a little MDMA can really enhance even those.
You're doing it wrong..gotta get a quarter oz,your girl,and her girlfriend,and a day off...think "Olympic fucking"...:-D
Not knocking that but theres plenty of other compounds at least equally suited. 4-HO or 5-MeO MiPT or DiPT and 2C-B all spring to mind.
Foxy was quite popular at the Playboy Mansion. I think theres been some Olympic fucking there.
Alright this is what I have and it was tested with marquis...Fizzed then turned yellow? Cant find a definite answer on it, anyone?
See,you're supposed to test it BEFORE you buy're doing well young paddawan,the force is strong with you...:-)
See,you're supposed to test it BEFORE you buy're doing well young paddawan,the force is strong with you...:-)
I would have but this guy said he had it while I was in class and I just went ahead and got it. I was just going to test it when I got home and I did and just cant be sure what exactly it is.

Think it would be safe to take? LoL
I would have but this guy said he had it while I was in class and I just went ahead and got it. I was just going to test it when I got home and I did and just cant be sure what exactly it is.

Think it would be safe to take? LoL

I wouldn't take it. And that pic looks orange-ish bro, not yellow. but my drugs are kicking in so idk.