Methylone (Bk-MDMA)

Well at least you got methylone and not something like 4-FMA.

Even though my own personal habits coincide closer to yours OP, follow the advice of Duck and everyone else here and invest in a test kit. Cheap and you'll never regret it
I know. Normally I always use a Test Kit but this time I slipped up.
That was $15 by the gram. I guess it must be cheaper than tea in china.

The Chinese government has started cracking down on synthetic drug exports. Expect prices to go up.
Good maybe if where lucky there will be a drop off in all these fucking RC's floating around under other names.....EVIL people
Based on what I know of the Chinese chemical industry and specifically Chinese RCs I don't see the government being able to stem the tide. They aren't exactly known for checking up on things over there.
To the guy who asked about the difference between snorting and eating... I found that snorting gives a more speedy effect while eating gives a much more empathetic effect. I found the same thing with Butylone. Except I only snorted and IV'ed it. For some reason i was nervous to eat it, but anyway, I found snorting that gave more of a speedy high, while banging it gave a much more empathetic/body high.
Thanks..I hardly eat any powders..when I rarely do them,its just mdma..and I allways snort..but have ate just as much over the years :-)
sorry off topic. but i used to only eat. but these days i find myself more nervous to eat anything than any other roa regarding new stuff. IV hits so fast, if you push it slow you can always stop at the level you want, snorting still has that balance of being able to judge and stay at the level you want, but once you eat something and you start to feel the come up... too late.

Thats the best part for turning back many times I have had that WONDERFUL oh shit moment....darker...lighter...darker....everything is jumping and wiggling....and there is absolutely no turning back, only option is to buckle up and get ready for the ride....its part of the experience if you ask me
Weird you were cautious to eat but will slam I was young and thought needles were cool I slammed 2 tenths of fire ass molly..was rolling before I got the rig but bad times.
I hate the redose compulsion. I don't see how the buzz lasts so long for everyone. It's like an hour and a half for me, then I'm doing more.... then more 30 minutes later etc.
Same here, I wasted a whole summer with this stuff 2 years ago. I was dosing almost every waking moment for about 4 months. When I finally stopped I was batshit crazy and damn near suicidal for about a month. uhg not fun. Need to remember moderation.
After a couple days on any stimulant I can do a high dose, and still go straight to sleep. Never understood how some people stay up for a week+
After a couple days on any stimulant I can do a high dose, and still go straight to sleep. Never understood how some people stay up for a week+
After a two days I get so fucked up... the ninjas are everywhere and I am a mess. I have no fucking idea how people function so long on meth. There are seasoned tweakers I know that have been doing it for 30 years. They get a bag and stay up for 3 days then sleep for 3, get money for 2 days and get another bag. I would wig the fuck out ...
I never fucked with stims because I've stayed up for 60+ hours on my own neurochemistry many times.
Please tell me for $90 150mg has you rolling face. Jeebus that's pricey!
Kodank..without a test kit you really won't know..molly can be colored also..from impurities,cutting and rerocking,over cooking the final can even add color to 'brand' your one can look at a pile of powder/crystals and tell anything about it..please be safe!