Morning my lovelies.
All goes well within the confines of my ol' PC box. The LST is getting a bit complicated in there, some of the older fan leaves are starting to yellow now, but she's still showing fresh growth every time I check on her. So all in all, we're happy.
I'm continuing to aim for Nov 6th for the 12/12 switch, so what I've been doing is knocking her light down an hour at a time, to ease her into it. To explain, she's been on 20/4 for her entire veg, a few days back I knocked that down to 19/5, then 18/6, etc etc. It just seems like a nicer way of doing things, let her pretend she's got realistic seasonal weather
Anyhow, here's some pics, sorry they're still in the box, but I only thought of it after I'd watered her, so didn't want her drenching the carpet.

She's still raised up really high, but doesn't seem to be minding it, so I'll keep her thataway until she really needs the extra vertical space.
Right, onto the deliciously positive feedback from everyone.
@Tribby - Thanks for the kind words dude, and no, ask away about anything. Nute wise, I barely use anything. I've got some Tomorite (common cheapo tomatoe nutes) that I *massively* dilute, and use once every 5-6 waterings. The soil was whatever the local hardware shop had that was going cheap. From what I remember, it was a seedling soil with some organic nutes already in it. I didn't start giving her any nutes in the water until around day 25 of veg I reckon. She was looking pretty sturdy by then. IMHO, playing with nutes when you're not 100% sure of what you're doing, is just asking for trouble. That's why I dilute so much, and rarely use. She seems to get most of what she needs from the tap water

- Oh, and cheers for the link too, was a really good read... Amazed that dude managed to scrog in a pc case. Looks like he pulled 2.4oz from her once dried... So there's a target to aim for!
@ShakenBake - I'm just growing one plant in my box. I have one pc fan that gets connected up to a DIY carbon filter during flower. Now, to begin with, the first couple weeks, I was pretty impressed with the fan.... But the closer she got to cropping, the stinkier things got. It was certainly pretty obvious that I was growing, when you walked into the flat. I'mna try and fix another fan into the system that'll pull air *into* the box, in the hope that that'll help the fan pushing the air out a little.
@Barron - Hey man, thanks, that's really nice of you to say. Welcome aboard. Enjoy the ride!
@Sensi - Good to have you around too mate. Glad you enjoyed last grows thread, I'm hoping this one should be a little more interesting. That's assuming I can post a little more regularly. As she starts to flower, I should get that excitement itch back and be lurking the boards on a regular basis tho.
All the best lads n lasses.
Take it easy, an happy growin.