Mg plant burn


I'm pretty sure I may have used a little too much MG. Anything I can do? :cry:
Also, other 3/4 germinated seedlings broke soil surface and green & healthily growing! Please give any ideas on what you think is causing the burn. Plant is still growing though. I have not fertilized or watered for going on 2 days now. Soil is still a bit moist but drying out now.



Well-Known Member
Do you have drainage holes in the bottom of those cups? Are those cups clear? If so you will need to wrap something round them as the roots need darkness.


Do you have drainage holes in the bottom of those cups? Are those cups clear? If so you will need to wrap something round them as the roots need darkness.
yes there are drainage holes in the bottom and okay I can wrap them in dark colored construction paper or something. What about the burn? Is that why its burning since its in a clear ice cream container or maybe beacuse a little too much miracle gro?


Well-Known Member
What is it draining into? That could also be a problem. Standard pots at Walmart are 1.50$ to 2.50$ and come with a sterilized drainage catcher. Remember the roots will grow through the drainage holes as they search for any type of oxygen. Instead the roots might find dirty composites of standing water to try and feed from thus giving it and it's leaves a sick look and feel. So check those drainage holes. Have you ever tried a 1/2 tsp of baby shampoo or 1/2 tsp of peroxide with water to flush out the bad or lack of nutrients? This can also kill gnats and clean mold on roots. You should give it a try.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure I may have used a little too much MG. Anything I can do? :cry:
Also, other 3/4 germinated seedlings broke soil surface and green & healthily growing! Please give any ideas on what you think is causing the burn. Plant is still growing though. I have not fertilized or watered for going on 2 days now. Soil is still a bit moist but drying out now.
looks like heat stress as well and you need to cover those roots because the light browns them and kills off them plant slowly, also it needs drainage as well so get on it and save you plants lives bro ,wrap something dark around those clear cups man , and think of a bigger grow space because they are going to get big liek it or not


Well-Known Member
As for the pics I would say it looks deprived of Nitrogen or Potassium, but I would start with those two. These things tend to love potassium as the leaves start to grow. There is an All in Wonder formula I think is the greatest and it's completely organic called Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow / Bloom,-Bloom,-Liquid-Karma-Kit_W0QQitemZ380141185591QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090721?IMSfp=TL090721166002r24207

If you can get this your plants will BLOW UP!!! I had a leaf the size of my head @ 3 weeks! This solution will really fix any nute probs you might be having.