Mg? Please advise!!!


Well-Known Member
HI i have what i believe is mg deficiency, i posted here a couple of weeks ago,
a quick run down was in biobizz lightmix, about week 4-5 started showing problem, advised a mg deficiency, well i was due for a pott up so thought perhaps going to biobizz allmix might help, got to my local shop and they no longer have allmix (aparently some bad comments from people) and suggested plagron grow mix so took that, well repotted 1 week ago and have just been watering plain phd 6.5 water i have also been misting with 1/2 tspoon epsom in 4 liter water also phd for about 3 days, but ive noticed now that some leaves higher up are now starting to show the same, new groth looks good but its now at middle of plant aswell as at the bottom, its weird as ive not been overwatering and taken misting into account but some of the leaves are a bit droopy like the stems cant hold the bigger leaves up,??? dont know if that means anything? im after advice as to how long to keep giving epsom salts for, and if indeed it is mg, theres some pics off a bad leaf i pulled, on some i have purple stems but grown this variety b4 and had that before as has blue in its genes, (i took it anyway) its blue mistic from royal queen,
please give any opinion as im learning how to kill plants at the moment!!!



Well-Known Member
Mg/l CaCO3 ppm CaCO3

Clarkes d English

German dH

French dF

Mg/l Calcium

Mmol/l Alk Earths







dont know if it means anything to anyone but this is my local water quality,


Well-Known Member
now i dont know if to carry on with the epsom or if its not mg?? i wouldnt want to overdose it on mg, ive noticed in the photos ive yellow tips but they dont show on the plant itself? weird

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
to me looks alot like calcium deficency. u said branches seem a little weak, calcium strenghtens the plant cell walls. there are many other growers on here with more knowledge than me so wait for them to shoot throwgh your thread before making a decision. if it turns out to be ca. defficency look to ca-mg in your next waterings or next 2. good luck.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
It just needs to be fed. If any macronutrient stands out as being the most deficient, it's probably Nitrogen, but that's natural in veg. Try to give them a nutrient solution of a ratio close to 4-3-3, properly pH'd, and they'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
hi, thanks for both replys, im going to give a feed tonight, i thought where i had repotted i should be ok for 2 weeks but will try tonight, after all if it burns i can flush,
ive some biobizz grow / bloom / top max so will give a week feed,
i hear you about the calcium and will get some cal mag redy just incase,
thanks again