Active Member
I am using this soil, its fert analysis is 0.15 - 0.05 - 0.10.
I've noticed a bit of brown tips, assuming its nutes since I'm in MG..
my soil says it can feed UP TO 3 months.
since I've notices these marks, I was wondering would it be bad to mix my MG with sand?
I feel like it would, but I feel as thigh it would cut the amount of nutes down immensely. can any one give a reason as to why it would b beneficial or harmful? I would GREATLY appreciate it.
I've noticed a bit of brown tips, assuming its nutes since I'm in MG..
my soil says it can feed UP TO 3 months.
since I've notices these marks, I was wondering would it be bad to mix my MG with sand?
I feel like it would, but I feel as thigh it would cut the amount of nutes down immensely. can any one give a reason as to why it would b beneficial or harmful? I would GREATLY appreciate it.