roll it up smoke it up

Well-Known Member
I am trying to find out what most people use during flowering I know HPS will give you a higher yield and HM will give you better potency. Is the potency really that much better with MH? Any help would be appreciate.


Well-Known Member
I think your potency assumption is just that, an assumption. There is an idea out there that UV light at the end of flowering will increase potency and MH bulbs have more UV light than HPS bulbs. The MH spectrum in veg yields a shorter and bushier plant where HPS in flowering is desired because of the higher lumen output. In a perfect world, you'd combine the two during flowering but to answer your question; most people use HPS in flower and if there is a potency difference, you'd never notice it.


Well-Known Member
Once again, using MH lights during flowering isn't suggested.

Combined HPS/MH (Dual Spectrum) would be better than using MH alone by its self.

Just MO though.

good luck... hope your buds don't end up too airy. ;)



Active Member
HPS for flowering.. If you want to supplement with something else that is fine... But I would just use high "PAR" HPS bulbs.. I have plants finishing right now that have colas that look like tall boy beer cans....


Active Member
ceramic metal hallides (CMH) I thought were best watt per watt from what Ive read (havent tried it yet as im kinda new as well at this stuff). People complain that CMH bulbs come in 400 watt only but they are so cheap you can just buy 2 bulbs and stick them into a 1000 watt ballast. and apparently CMH are so good that 800 watts of CMH > 1000 watts of HPS.

Also you can use CMH for killer veg too... add the fact that the bulbs are cheap as hell too it seems like a no brainer... OR 100% hype.
