MI laws


Well-Known Member
My friend and I recently discovered a MMJ doctor near us. The only problem we seem to be facing is what are the legality issues regarding MMJ in MI? The medical marijuana train has been slowly rolling over to the east coast, and with all this hub-bub about people getting busted for "legal" medicine, we are both skeptical.

Would a future employer look up insurance records and see that you have medical marijuana on there?

Also, how does the care giver system work? I read on the website that a caregiver must be older than 21, no felonies or drug charges, and sympathy for patients. Is this all that is to it, or would it be too taboo for a college student to be a caregiver?


Active Member
You need to google this some more, its all out there...most of it on the state of Michigan website.

And if you don't have a good medical reason for marijuana use, I'll ask that you wait and let us sick people get more of a first crack at it. Don't worry, it'll be like Cali soon :leaf:


Active Member
You need a minimum of 6 months of medical records...there is a limited number of things covered under the "law". Oh yeah, the state senate plans to change the law...YOU CAN THANK REPUBLICANS FOR THIS BY THE WAY.

I need to go off on a rant about the change to the law. They are basically making pot illegal again. Like I said in a previous post, michigan is a shit hole.


If you give 2 shits about the marijuana laws in michigan...You should contact your state senators, such as dick head Gerald Van Woerkom. Send him a letter and tell him what you think about the bribery and corruption. Republican senators are getting paid by the local pharmaceutical companies to push through this change to the law. THEY will be the ones growing it, god bless pfizer.


Well-Known Member
Lord, the changes you speak of is old news and will go no where.To the poster......
Yes he can get his card but being he would be going for chronic pain then he needs to show time with the pain. 6 months my be enough and he'll need his chart notes to show the mj doc if his wont sign. If you want just that facts and not the bullshit then click our club link and find what you my need as far as answers. I run one of many of the Compassion clubs here in Michigan and will help anyone wanting info on our new law and getting legal.
VV also started a thread here called michigan medical and that has alot of info for michigan folks.
If your a patient or caregiver here in Michigan and need help then please hit my link in my sig and we'll get ya going.
Exec Dir
Berrien County Compassion Club