Mice chewed my stalks. can they recover?

Hate to say it but I have seen that damage before don't waste your time trying to nurse those back the yield is fucked if they live.


Rats are every where says a man with a extermination co LOL Only place you find rats in maine is the local dump or the city pretty much the same thing LOLwhe I say rat i mean 6in plus the rest are just field mice.

Says the idiot that rats are not a problem everyfuckingwhere .... stick to your burnt plants.

Rats are taking over Maine ...

In June 2017, Pete Zuck of Belfast began noticing that something was chewing the seeds and winter squash he was storing in a little-used back room at his home.

Mice, he told himself......

But then he saw one, and he realized the alarming truth: He didn’t have mice. He had rats.

His house was under siege by Norway rats, an omnivorous, wily rodent that can grow to be up to a foot and a half long and weigh as much as a pound. They can gain entrance to any building through any opening larger than half an inch across, and can gnaw through wood, drywall, electric cables, pipes, plastic and even metal. Norway rats, also known as brown or sewer rats, are believed to have originated in China (not Norway), and are now found on every continent except Antarctica. It is the dominant rat in Europe and throughout most of North America, and in Maine during the past few years, it seems as if their numbers have exploded.

Rats really are everywhere. People think it’s a city issue, but it’s not. These are wild animals, but they thrive on human activity,” Chance Strandell, residential service manager of Brewer-based Maine Pest Solutions, said this week. “It’s a problem in the entire state as well as everywhere in the nation, to my understanding. It’s a national issue. And no one really has concrete proof of what is causing the rodent population to explode.”

They thrive anywhere ... leaf piles , clutter , compost bins , and can have aerial nests in trees. This article is from BANGOR DAILY NEWS. ( maine )

Dont believe the morons that push misinformation about rodents and infestations... If he is cool with rats / mice shitting on his face during the night , or is a dirty hoader then that explains it.

Peace ....LOL.
Says the idiot that rats are not a problem everyfuckingwhere .... stick to your burnt plants.

Rats are taking over Maine ...

In June 2017, Pete Zuck of Belfast began noticing that something was chewing the seeds and winter squash he was storing in a little-used back room at his home.

Mice, he told himself......

But then he saw one, and he realized the alarming truth: He didn’t have mice. He had rats.

His house was under siege by Norway rats, an omnivorous, wily rodent that can grow to be up to a foot and a half long and weigh as much as a pound. They can gain entrance to any building through any opening larger than half an inch across, and can gnaw through wood, drywall, electric cables, pipes, plastic and even metal. Norway rats, also known as brown or sewer rats, are believed to have originated in China (not Norway), and are now found on every continent except Antarctica. It is the dominant rat in Europe and throughout most of North America, and in Maine during the past few years, it seems as if their numbers have exploded.

Rats really are everywhere. People think it’s a city issue, but it’s not. These are wild animals, but they thrive on human activity,” Chance Strandell, residential service manager of Brewer-based Maine Pest Solutions, said this week. “It’s a problem in the entire state as well as everywhere in the nation, to my understanding. It’s a national issue. And no one really has concrete proof of what is causing the rodent population to explode.”

They thrive anywhere ... leaf piles , clutter , compost bins , and can have aerial nests in trees. This article is from BANGOR DAILY NEWS. ( maine )

Dont believe the morons that push misinformation about rodents and infestations... If he is cool with rats / mice shitting on his face during the night , or is a dirty hoader then that explains it.

Peace ....LOL.
LOL Belfast is a coastal fishing city that hardly freezes of course they got rats.we do not have rats out in the hills where it stays frozen for 6 months out of the yr.an chance strandell a manager for pest control says the state is infested LOL only morons pushing misinformation are you an him. mice are so simple to clear out hardly need a brain to do it. by the way lets compare burnt plants.
We had mice until we got a cat.
My parent's place had mice, my dad bought "Super Mouse Treat"- birdseed treated with poison. My sisters kicked up a fuss about animal cruelty so my dad promised not to open the box. He just put it in the garage and the mice found it themselves. They haven't had a problem for a couple of years now. He got it at home depot.
Native brown/pack rats usually don't enter homes. We had them living in the compost for a while, didn't even know they were there till we saw them while moving the compost to the garden one spring. Black/Norway rats started in cities, and are moving out to the suburbs and country. They're the ones that chew your wires and burn your house down, and they are spreading now that they've had a chance to adapt to the native climate and predators.
Rats are every where says a man with a extermination co LOL Only place you find rats in maine is the local dump or the city pretty much the same thing LOLwhe I say rat i mean 6in plus the rest are just field mice.
Nonsense. You're thinking of Norway sewer rats. Maine has big ole river rats/Warf rats and they're very common on the coast and anyone with a farm ANYWHERE in Maine has had to deal with barn rats/roof rats getting in grain barrels and chicken coops.
Rats can be anywhere as long as there's a steady source of food.
Nonsense. You're thinking of Norway sewer rats. Maine has big ole river rats/Warf rats and they're very common on the coast and anyone with a farm ANYWHERE in Maine has had to deal with barn rats/roof rats getting in grain barrels and chicken coops.
Rats can be anywhere as long as there's a steady source of food.
ya I grew up in a coastalfishing city in maine an had lots of rats running around, since i have been in the hills 40 yrs have not seen one. an I have large garden with open compost piles. Have seen every other critter big an small but no rats an i live on a large river. but ya the coast is loaded. along with the cities.
Nonsense. You're thinking of Norway sewer rats. Maine has big ole river rats/Warf rats and they're very common on the coast and anyone with a farm ANYWHERE in Maine has had to deal with barn rats/roof rats getting in grain barrels and chicken coops.
Rats can be anywhere as long as there's a steady source of food.
just to say maine has lots of musk rat!! that are more like beaver.
If the leaves arent showing much sign of distress, id try wrapping any exposed areas of the stem with a Teflon tape (dont use duct tape or anything with an adhesive, as that would likely cause even more damage), and hope for the best... just dont get your hopes up too high, AND BE CAREFUL! Ingesting anything that rats/mice have touched is USUALLY not good. They litterally piss almost nonstop as they walk, and they carry some pretty gnarly diseases.

As far as the mouse/rat problem, as others have said, that needs to be #1 priority. Not only will they cause havoc to your plant, but they also carry the hauntavirus, which can cause pumonary (lung) issues on their own, let alone if you are ingesting/smoking pot covered in it. From back in my restaurant days, when we had a small mouse issue in the summer.. the exterminator told me that mice usually walk along the edges of the walls, as opposed to walking straight through the middle of an open area.

So your best bet, is to use the poison blocks or those spring loaded black boxes (you bait them, the rodent crawls into them, and once they get in they cant get out due to the spring load) to try to get rid of the ones already in your home. It can take a few weeks to eradicate the problems.. but until/unless you seal up their entry into your home.. the issue will never fully be resolved.

Step 1: needs to be sealing up any/all ports of entry into your home for rodents. These can be TINY as mice/rats have the ability to become almost entirely flat, to squeeze into small openings.

Step 2: needs to be eradicating the rodents within your home, now knowing that no more can enter. Again, use their natural instincts against them. Bait/trap them in dark areas, along the base of walls.

Step 3: remove any and all forms of food for mice, that may be attracting them. They will eat just about anything, but usually they go for things high in carbohydrates.. so anything sugary or starchy. Make sure all your food is kept in sealed containers, and up in cabinets/away from an area that may be accessible to a rodent (they can climb as well)

These are general steps to get you started, but here is a link that has EVERY bit of info you should need, to work on keeping the pests at bay, without having to call in an outside company to do the work for ya: https://www.orkin.com/rodents

Hope the best for ya! Good luck!
Ya so back on subject the reason mice strip the skin like that, Is 95% of the sugars an carbs the plant uses
come up thur that thin layer of bark or skin they lap it up.,Once the skin is gone 100% around the stalk its a slow death from there. I have seen this more than once. The stem will turn to mush.
Ya so back on subject the reason mice strip the skin like that, Is 95% of the sugars an carbs the plant uses
come up thur that thin layer of bark or skin they lap it up.,Once the skin is gone 100% around the stalk its a slow death from there. I have seen this more than once. The stem will turn to mush.
Guess i'll just take what clones are on her. Not letting a $250 pack go to waste. I'll buy fucking gas bombs for these little shits if I have to. I haven't seen much activity for a few days but they already did the damage
Guess i'll just take what clones are on her. Not letting a $250 pack go to waste. I'll buy fucking gas bombs for these little shits if I have to. I haven't seen much activity for a few days but they already did the damage
looks like they been on it for a bit ,What made you notice plant drooping? I have seen same thing on outdoor plants gotta catch it early once it stripped its a gonna. i like the snap traps with peanut butter.
These electronic rat traps work really well on both mice or rats with no mass and no dead mouse or rat rotting away in the walls somewhere. A little pricey but work damn good.


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looks like they been on it for a bit ,What made you notice plant drooping? I have seen same thing on outdoor plants gotta catch it early once it stripped its a gonna. i like the snap traps with peanut butter.
I noticed this when I was cleaning my just harvested plants. then my flower room flooded cus they chewed my flooding hose and I checked my babies and seen a few got chewed on
My gf is furious that I can't call an exterminator and keeps telling me to get rid of everything and stop lol

Hey Larrypizzimp93,
If you can afford about $50.00 go get one of those traps above a buddy of my killed a shit lot of rats with it. I have 2 of them and do work really well give them a try.
Rats / mice ... wats the difference? ... they all suck . You can actually grab a black light and it will light up their traffic areas cuz their piss will fluoresce like a disco.

Tranny60 is on to something about peanut butter