Michael Phelps Bong Pics


Active Member
Poor Michael is having to apologize for hitting a bong. A feel sorry for him. I'm sure after years of living clean and working out all the time and training training training, he can't go out for a little while and just party and have a good time and get some great bong hits.


Well-Known Member
wow that sucks, if i was him i would be like fuck you, im a monster! do you have a record amound of olymic gold?


Well-Known Member
This doesn't suck! Have you been watching CNN? They're practically defending mary jane right now. All because some super famous guy smokes it.


Well-Known Member
Is pot like a performance enhancing drug? hahaha

Don't really matter, he can out swim them all.


Active Member
First Obama's own brother and now an American sports icon. I bet pot will be a popular topic within Obama's inner circle this week. He's probably also aware of the recent online polls as well.


I don't actually expect a miracle to happen, but it's good news none the less.


Well-Known Member
i wish he would have stood up for weed a lil bit... instead he said it was stupid and he wont do it again... darn


Well-Known Member
i hate when people call it "dope"... dope is fucking heroin people

EDIT: that was towards the pic... not towards anyone here :)


Well-Known Member
Phelps earns up to £5 million a year from deals with ten leading companies, including Hilton Hotels, Omega watches, Kellogg's cereals and Speedo swimwear. Speedo paid Phelps a $1 million bonus for capturing his eight golds in Beijing. His appeal has spread around the globe since he turned the Olympics into a personal triumph. Only last month, he became the face of Mazda cars in China.

All this and the guy can't even hit the bong to celebrate? What has the world come too?


Well-Known Member
Michael Phelps, you are a spineless vagina face.... there, now I feel better.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It raises the question: how much money is "enough?"How much until you say, "Alright, now that I don't need it, I'm doing things my way."?
Phelps earns up to £5 million a year from deals with ten leading companies, including Hilton Hotels, Omega watches, Kellogg's cereals and Speedo swimwear. Speedo paid Phelps a $1 million bonus for capturing his eight golds in Beijing. His appeal has spread around the globe since he turned the Olympics into a personal triumph. Only last month, he became the face of Mazda cars in China.

All this and the guy can't even hit the bong to celebrate? What has the world come too?


Well-Known Member
It raises the question: how much money is "enough?"How much until you say, "Alright, now that I don't need it, I'm doing things my way."?
That's what I say! If I made that much I would tell them too fuck off, I won eight Gold medals AND smoked weed.:clap:

Of course NOBODY looks at that fact :roll: pot just remains "immoral" :wall:

Fuck Phelps and fuck illogical prohibition

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
They're too scared to question.They have been dominated by the dollar.
That's what I say! If I made that much I would tell them too fuck off, I won eight Gold medals AND smoked weed.:clap:

Of course NOBODY looks at that fact :roll: pot just remains "immoral" :wall:

Fuck Phelps and fuck illogical prohibition


Well-Known Member
You win 8 gold medals, you deserve a few good bong hits. Im sure ol Mikey smokin da killa. Cheers Mike !!!!!!, I and every weed smoking american, {millions} salute you !!


New Member
I wish I could find a copy of the pic without that stupid writing on it.

I sent a comment to CNN about it, they're asking for them this morning.

I said something like "big freaking deal, marijuana is less harmful than your morning coffee and is it a possibility that someone out there is trying to divert your attention away from something else? Way to go sheeple, go graze by the pretty picture don't bother looking at what is happening over there"

People are wanting his pics taken down, blah, blah, blah, damn people, get over it, he smoked a bong, how many of the bitchers have never in their life smoked pot?


New Member
I think this will backfire as now it is rumored that he will do an anti-Marijuana commercial aimed at teens. Kinda like a public service commercial saying it was a huge mistake and no-one should smoke pot. I think the only ones that saw this as a positive thing were pot smokers