Michigan Forum Mod ?

I'm not sure on the deal. Its fat farmers but the addy is fatmarty dot com.
Sorry I cannot spam worth a fuck. :cry:

geez, how many sites do we have to follow each other to hang out online anymore? getting out of hand, lol.

some major cricket sounds over at that one..........lets just go to the big competator and call it a day, and it doesn't sound like yard duty in the summer :).
I can deal w simplicity and the unknown see where it goes. always liked the idea of casual groups more anyway, sick of big concerts where someone's always on acid wanting to stage dive. messes my hair up
No one needs an invite - it is just additional spot for us to feel safe.
A place we can't get tossed out of for speaking our minds.
Sometimes we need to go to the mattresses - it is our safe house.
When the shit hits the fan we need to be able to talk and plan.
No one needs an invite - it is just additional spot for us to feel safe.
A place we can't get tossed out of for speaking our minds.
Sometimes we need to go to the mattresses - it is our safe house.
When the shit hits the fan we need to be able to talk and plan.

Need to speak with you FM, but it seems your mail is disabled at this point in time.
Haha Stumpjumper wishes the hell he was 13 again, hell even double that to 26 would be nice.

Stumpjumper was banned because he abused his admin priveledges and deleted a bunch of shit Dr. Bob was spewing.. it was really in defense of Gladstoned having a bunch of his quarrels with Dr. Bob deleted. Yes it was the wrong thing to do and I wouldn't condone anyone else trying this at home. Stumpy doesnt feel bad for doing it because it was somewhat of what you would call a peaceful protest of sorts, but never got a chance to make it right with rolli before the hammer was dropped on him... But I think its been over a year and stump would behave himself as he normally always did if he was unbanned. ..
... But I think its been over a year and stump would behave himself as he normally always did if he was unbanned. ..

Stompromper might be a good candidate to help sunni out-:-P
I nominate stompromper take stumps place.....

We should all request it......

-as long as he can keep bObs clOwn shOw out of here-:wall:

I always feel like a child molester was brought into the cell when his name is mentioned--brings out a 'mob' mentality:cuss::shock::mad::x>:(

Theres STILL so much animosity toward ANYTHiNG named 'bob' here-even the mention of it

.......after so many got the bOOt

i still think the hotpepper boy is really bOb-
......under a pseudonym....

drunk and fucking w people....

What am I worth?

Have you ever wondered how much your body is worth?

First, let's take a look at the elements from which you are made. Your body is approximately:
  • 65% Oxygen
  • 18% Carbon
  • 10% Hydrogen
  • 3% Nitrogen
  • 1.5% Calcium
  • 1% Phosphorous
  • 0.35% Potassium
  • 0.25% Sulfur
  • 0.15% Sodium
  • 0.15% Chlorine
  • 0.05% Magnesium
  • 0.0004% Iron
  • 0.00004% Iodine
Your body contains trace amounts of other elements, such as silicon, manganese, fluorine, copper, zinc, arsenic and aluminum.
What is the going rate for a body's worth of these elements?

One US dollar!

Are you surprised?

Let's see if we can bump the price up a bit.

If you're looking to make a buck with your bod, your best bet would be to sell individual organs, but since that's illegal, an alternative might be to tan your hide for use as leather. Your skin would be worth about $3.50 if it were sold at the price of a cowhide, which runs around $0.25 per square foot.

So, if you take a dollar's worth of elements plus the value of your skin, you might be able to get $4.50, which we'll round up to $5, so you'll feel better about your chemical value.


I have 4-5 web domains from go daddy that expire in about a year.....

i locked them up when saw the Michigan sites being co-opted

i would love to gift them to some patients that would use them correctly

all of them have Michigan medical marijuana patients "....." I their titles:joint:
and I got .com .org .whatever so no one can fuk with them
i even have a few Detroit medical marijuana patients names in there

they cost me almost 800$ I would gift them to some good patients that want to keep it real

PM me if interested......I have checked a few times and they come up on top of every other web forum when googled with
michigan medical marijuana patients "... " even on top of 3ma

imo thats why they had to destroy that one it had too many patients and was getting too powerful to possibly oppose what they have planned for us all....

please let me know if you could use these web domains...I have been waiting for the right moment

they allready exist but have no web site or web nerds working them

.p.m me for details I would turn the domain names over to the right folks.....there is some policy and politics bleeding in here and killing posters and mods

the only stipulation I would have is that it is run democratically....votes.......and there needs to be some good sisters there as mods to help balance the energy :peace:
We need to talk about alexa rankings.
Yes trolls the legal and political threads. Not the medicinal ones. He just mentioned he's working on adding bi-polar as treatable by mj.
He made a joke that many of us should look into it joking that many of us are bi-polar.
There's a few things at work there. WTF kind of doctor talks like that, but also he is a doctor and is working with bi polar people, thinks many
of us have symptoms so instead of trying to help or offering information to us, he decides it would be much more appropriate to talk shit to everyone
and go back to giving legal advice.
PTSD, very minimal input. That's when the biggest warning flags went off and I started worrying that my doctor wasn't what I thought he was at all.
He insulted one of my medcal conditions. The gloves came off in a fucking hurry.