Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Glassblowing Moderator
Looks Dope! Bring some of that when you come up. I'll be slanging glass from my friends dispensary booth at Dirt Fest in Birch Run if anyone want to venture out. trying to set up a live glass show


Active Member
hey everyone o.o ive been doing a lot of running this summer i havent really hAD time for this but its seems everyone is doing killer. i had to start over so im not doing to well lol im still gonna post some pic by the time my grow is done.... i dont see any sign of flowering which is worrying me but im not sure wat to look for either so they shuld be here anytime rite? well just checkin in saying hi... nice to see some more michigan growers on here welcome lol


Active Member
also have i have a question a a fewdays ago one of my plants turned purple at first it was lightly on the stem then it it appeared on the newer growth as a light purple and the stem are very deep purple is this becuase of the weather or something? the two plants are both different bags so im hoping i mite have some killer purple o.o any info wuld be appreciated


Well-Known Member
hic, what ive read wad keep it in a dark container, dry if ya freeze it it will last quite awhile. but it should last in the fridge for a couple of weeks if ur gionna use it all. how re u collecting it? i have a milky ay ready split its nut sac anyday. i seen a pic of a small collection cup, but i ant all i can get from it. thanks for any input on this. btw i just put the blueberry in jars today so give it a couple days and ill give ya a buzz. literally. later


Well-Known Member
outdojoe it is a nute burn or a soil. Too many nutes or youe soil is not right. If it because of clay you are fucked if it is because of nutes flush.


Well-Known Member
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I forgot to mention rabbit hunting, I do not fuck around with that either. I do not go for the meat but yet I go to seek and destroy. I am an animal when it comes to rabbit hunting. God has not made a briar patch yet that I will not storm threw. If there is one thing I am better at then growing marijuana it is killing.lol I am not affraid to bleed and I love to use my head this is what makes me so good at the seek and destroy games.


Well-Known Member
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Do any of you know what happened? no, offcourse you do not so I will tell you. Do you know why hic began growing the marijuana in the first place and why hic continues to grow marijuana? Because it is a game to me.

If it were work I would have never done it. To outsmart them all is a game. To find a perfect spot is a game. To harvest is a game. To sneak and plant is a game. To sell the buds is a game. This is why it is like it is for me. Now you see.