Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Glassblowing Moderator
This summer I learned the pot industry is getting too crowded. All this import weed from cali outdoor took over. Fuckin killing me. Its the toyota to my chevy. Everyone want to buy the toyota cause it gets better gas milage... meanwhile my chevy sits in the showroom while people buy the toyota.


Well-Known Member
yea i heard that dank,. im not able to move much. sitting on too much product and gaining everyday. just harvested an o g kush last nite. jars r fillin up fast. gonna harvest my thai plant in a week prolly. but hopefully cali weed wont last long here.
smelljust got some cherry berry in the mail the other day. sposed to smell like cherry. cant wait but scared to plant them. not having much luck with seed. when i first started i couldnt keep clones alive and fine with seeds. now in reverse. i dont get it.

germing in paper towel. when they pop and show a root, put them in dirt with root down right. sorry to soundf so effen stupid.


Well-Known Member
yea i heard that dank,. im not able to move much. sitting on too much product and gaining everyday. just harvested an o g kush last nite. jars r fillin up fast. gonna harvest my thai plant in a week prolly. but hopefully cali weed wont last long here.
smelljust got some cherry berry in the mail the other day. sposed to smell like cherry. cant wait but scared to plant them. not having much luck with seed. when i first started i couldnt keep clones alive and fine with seeds. now in reverse. i dont get it.

germing in paper towel. when they pop and show a root, put them in dirt with root down right. sorry to soundf so effen stupid.
I like to let them get a nice root on the sprout, usually a good 3/4-1" before I pop them in the dirt. Try that and I think you'll be happy :D


Well-Known Member
thanks schwag, i hope this works for me. tired of loosing good seed. thanks bro..
You're welcome hammer... I could def see that I might lose more seeds if I put them in when they're just barely cracked. I think some of mine even go to about an inch and a half before they see dirt even. They usually pop the dirt in 12-24 hours. Good luck, I think you'll be 100% as long as your seeds are primo.


Glassblowing Moderator
Everyone I know is on a crop war. Waaaay to much supply. No demand when 100 people grow or import in area. Shits redonkulous. Just offing it too dispensaries fir $200 luckily


Well-Known Member
Im @ $200 n 30 60 and its all some sticky icky.. can't compete with the cali n Oregon $100 oz outdoor
Yeah that's cheap! Sooner or later it won't even be worth it, I'll get myself a caregiver and find a new hobby, haha. There is outdoor everywhere this time of year though, def brings the price down. Many of us are spoiled with some very good weed, I won't smoke anything unless its pretty or has a fancy name lol. A lot of people are happy with outdoor weed considering the price is usually very cheap and it gets you good and high. I know people that would rather smoke mid grade out door than pay extra for good indoor. Shit with leaf all over it, hasn't hardly been trimmed. I got a quarter from a friend a while back, I re-trimmed it and my quarter ended up being 4 grams. Hell I know people that would smoke shwag and pay too much if they didn't have a connection with a caregiver and get their meds for next to nothing. Basically not every Joe can afford good weed, and that's the way it should stay unless they want to grow it themselves, excluding patients that are too ill of course. Time is money and this game is damn expensive. People have no idea the time and effort it takes to grow top shelf weed.

Be careful lowering your prices for a crop war.... You'll never be able to raise them back up again unless the weed gets even better, haha. It can only get so good!


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's cheap! Sooner or later it won't even be worth it, I'll get myself a caregiver and find a new hobby, haha. There is outdoor everywhere this time of year though, def brings the price down. Many of us are spoiled with some very good weed, I won't smoke anything unless its pretty or has a fancy name lol. A lot of people are happy with outdoor weed considering the price is usually very cheap and it gets you good and high. I know people that would rather smoke mid grade out door than pay extra for good indoor. Shit with leaf all over it, hasn't hardly been trimmed. I got a quarter from a friend a while back, I re-trimmed it and my quarter ended up being 4 grams. Hell I know people that would smoke shwag and pay too much if they didn't have a connection with a caregiver and get their meds for next to nothing. Basically not every Joe can afford good weed, and that's the way it should stay unless they want to grow it themselves, excluding patients that are too ill of course. Time is money and this game is damn expensive. People have no idea the time and effort it takes to grow top shelf weed.

Be careful lowering your prices for a crop war.... You'll never be able to raise them back up again unless the weed gets even better, haha. It can only get so good!
if i can get enough to keep the lights on and the dirt flowing i have enough of the other to get through the fall harvest. the light bill is the worst. 1 1k light and another going up soonly. too many in flower room. having a diff time judging my timing.


Well-Known Member
if i can get enough to keep the lights on and the dirt flowing i have enough of the other to get through the fall harvest. the light bill is the worst. 1 1k light and another going up soonly. too many in flower room. having a diff time judging my timing.
I hear you hammer, that bill sucks! I wish I had a spot in the woods to throw a few plants out in the summer. I also hear you on the timing, there's always a plant or two in my veg box that is turning into a tree and taking up way too much space lol. Thankfully I veg with T5 so they veg very slow, that seems to help me a lot. Good luck setting up the new fixture!


Glassblowing Moderator
This Oregon and cali outdoor is nothing like our midgrade outdoor its all white rhino, sour skunk, white Russian, amnesia, og kush, and a couple others. Dense sugary nuggets. I love smoking it. Its better than alot of ameture indoor


Well-Known Member
This Oregon and cali outdoor is nothing like our midgrade outdoor its all white rhino, sour skunk, white Russian, amnesia, og kush, and a couple others. Dense sugary nuggets. I love smoking it. Its better than alot of ameture indoor
A friend of mine from Cali used to bring some of that home every year. It was pretty good and it was trimmed 100x better than most of the local outdoor buds. For 100 an O you might consider stocking up hahaha.

Sailor Jerry

Well-Known Member
Welcome back hic!

I learned this summer that while auto flowering plants are nice, they dont produce enough for my needs. I need to find something that will allow me to get bigger yields but has a fast flowering period. I live in the UP and It frosts too early to have plants finishing in october. I need some gear that will finish by the end of september.

I wish I could get some bud for 100 an oz up here. The prices are pretty high up here. Its usually 300 a zip or 100 for a quarter. My buddy drives to Gaylord every week because he can get it for 250 an oz there.


Well-Known Member
I hear you hammer, that bill sucks! I wish I had a spot in the woods to throw a few plants out in the summer. I also hear you on the timing, there's always a plant or two in my veg box that is turning into a tree and taking up way too much space lol. Thankfully I veg with T5 so they veg very slow, that seems to help me a lot. Good luck setting up the new fixture!

i have 2 trees waiting for a spot. they r prolly 4 ft taall by now.. and i use a t5 for veg also. but r growing fast. i use m3 dirt and that shit is awesome..