Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
I grew power kush from dinafem last year. I picked mine the third week in October. It was a big bush of a plant, but I didn't really like the finished product. Mine had a very lemon smell and was a bit leafy. I think it ended up leafy because it had to go so late into October and the weather was crappy. I don't like the lemon smelling varieties, but a lot of people do so good luck. Here is a picture of one growing in Michigan. First picture is a week before harvest and the other one is two weeks earlier.View attachment 2050935View attachment 2050936
Nice shrubs. Wish I lived in the boonies to do that. Even though we have medical still very illegal to grow outdoors sadly.


Well-Known Member
After two trips to the ER in the last week for extreme stomach pain they diagnosed me with crohns disease. They have me on a bunch of meds that arent really helping the pain. They gave me some vicodin but thats just a short term fix.
Ive read that edibles can help with this disease alot so tomorrow im gonna try and make some cannibutter. If you guys have any experience with making this let me know if this looks like a good plan.
2 cups margerin
1 cup water
1 oz frosty trim
Simmer in my crock pot for 4 hours, strain through stocking, refrigerate and drain water off the top


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear the diagnosis james, but at least there is no more guessing. I also suffer from intestinal issues (recurring colitis) and pot definitely makes it easier to deal with. Suffering through some issues now, most likely will be forced to take oral steroids again until I can get back to eating normally. Don't ever take healthy bowels for granted gentlemen!

I hope the butter and the meds bring you relief James so you can hopefully start feeling healthier again. IBD comes and goes, I'm not sure how Crohn's is treated, but oral steroids usually help me feel better within 2-3 days for my form of IBD.


Well-Known Member
they have me on the steriods. So far there not doing much. Im hoping they got the diagnosis wrong because crohns can be nasty. I never worried about this stuff before but now that im looking at the possibility of have to shit through a bag on my side its pretty horrifying


Well-Known Member
they have me on the steriods. So far there not doing much. Im hoping they got the diagnosis wrong because crohns can be nasty. I never worried about this stuff before but now that im looking at the possibility of have to shit through a bag on my side its pretty horrifying
I hope they have it wrong too james, I hope it clears up and never comes back... The Steroids should have you feeling better in a few days hang in there. Then exercise, stress control and a healthy diet can control it to a degree. Crohns is difficult to diagnose and without eliminating quite a few other more likely factors a doctor shouldn't/wouldn't usually just make that a guess. However works out, all the best.


Well-Known Member
After two trips to the ER in the last week for extreme stomach pain they diagnosed me with crohns disease. They have me on a bunch of meds that arent really helping the pain. They gave me some vicodin but thats just a short term fix.
Ive read that edibles can help with this disease alot so tomorrow im gonna try and make some cannibutter. If you guys have any experience with making this let me know if this looks like a good plan.
2 cups margerin
1 cup water
1 oz frosty trim
Simmer in my crock pot for 4 hours, strain through stocking, refrigerate and drain water off the top

James sorry to hear your sic bro I wish you a speedy recovery..

Anyhoo don't use margerin bro stick with real butter... Take a tub of that through in the truck of your car wait a year open it up and tell me what you find...


Well-Known Member
To late dude. Made it yesterday but havent tried it yet. Will it be junk with margirin?
Edit: did some research and the margirin although not ideal will work


Well-Known Member
Well I tried the butter out yesterday and as much as I hate to say it ,that stuff is just to much for me. I took a half teaspoon and mixed it with some peanut butter to guage my tolerence. After about a hour I was feeling pretty good and was suprised how well that little bit worked. I then decided to go out fishing. About half way to my shanty it hit me like a mac truck. I basically just took a four hour nap on the floor of my shanty. It wasnt until about 8 hours later that I started to snap out of it.
I dont know what im gonna do with the rest of it but theres not too many days that I feel like intentionaly putting myself into a coma, so it probably wont get used


Well-Known Member
Well I tried the butter out yesterday and as much as I hate to say it ,that stuff is just to much for me. I took a half teaspoon and mixed it with some peanut butter to guage my tolerence. After about a hour I was feeling pretty good and was suprised how well that little bit worked. I then decided to go out fishing. About half way to my shanty it hit me like a mac truck. I basically just took a four hour nap on the floor of my shanty. It wasnt until about 8 hours later that I started to snap out of it.
I dont know what im gonna do with the rest of it but theres not too many days that I feel like intentionaly putting myself into a coma, so it probably wont get used
Ohh fawwwwk man that sucks lol! Try cutting it to 1/4 strength and always find a guinea pig haha.


Well-Known Member
Well I tried the butter out yesterday and as much as I hate to say it ,that stuff is just to much for me. I took a half teaspoon and mixed it with some peanut butter to guage my tolerence. After about a hour I was feeling pretty good and was suprised how well that little bit worked. I then decided to go out fishing. About half way to my shanty it hit me like a mac truck. I basically just took a four hour nap on the floor of my shanty. It wasnt until about 8 hours later that I started to snap out of it.
I dont know what im gonna do with the rest of it but theres not too many days that I feel like intentionaly putting myself into a coma, so it probably wont get used
I'd say take less or build up a better tolerance. Also the type of bud you make the butter with can have a pretty big effect on how it makes you feel. You can also control how strong the butter is...sometimes I will make a 50% batch for people I know have lower tolerances. I've actually heard of a rookie throwing up from edibles. and my old ladies dad called her all fuckin crazy on one. So yea no tolerance they will get cha... If your already a toker with a decent tolerance tho they have their place. You could also try juicing the fan leaves (no trichs). A lot of people claim the natural plant material has antispastic properties with no associated 'high'.


Well-Known Member
Butter messes me up too. I smoke a few times per week, usually only 3 or 4 hits when I smoke. I think my tolerance is not either good or bad but I definitely don't need a lot of butter to toast me out. The pot is really good so it doesn't take much to blow me out lol.


Well-Known Member
Ill probably just keep making hash with my trim and make a shitload of brownies to give to my buddies that I know wont freek out on them. It was a fun experiment


Well-Known Member
Butter messes me up too. I smoke a few times per week, usually only 3 or 4 hits when I smoke. I think my tolerance is not either good or bad but I definitely don't need a lot of butter to toast me out. The pot is really good so it doesn't take much to blow me out lol.
My tolerence is pretty low lately to but that shit is just crazy. that was just a half teaspoon. Not tablespoon
I should have known though. This dope is about as potent as anything ive ever smoked and I put a solid 2oz of it in two cups of butter


Well-Known Member
hey james, that sucks bro i have either crohns or ibs they dont know fo sho. i do have 6 ulcers. but i deal with 3 or 4 days a week also. it plain ass sucks. i hope ya can find some relief. i did some hot green tea this morn as per my wife and i did feel better then uk jungle cheese and i lost the nausea. also try papaya extract. u can get em at the dollar store im sure. but u have to like 3 or 4 . i eat like 6 or 7 i just pour a small hanful. they taste good 2. good luck with ur butter. and do use real butter next time. personally i cant get off on butter. really no effect on pain. but i use my 23 bag of hash to make my medibles. it works good for me. good luck to you bro hope these ideas help ya out..


Well-Known Member
My tolerence is pretty low lately to but that shit is just crazy. that was just a half teaspoon. Not tablespoon
I should have known though. This dope is about as potent as anything ive ever smoked and I put a solid 2oz of it in two cups of butter
Daaaaamn, that's some serious shit right there! lol


I hate waiting. I ordered my indica mix pack from Sannie on feb. 1st, now its going to be the 17th tomorrow and still nothing. How long does it usually take to get an order from Sannie to michigan? I just found out that my only seed that I had been vegging for the last 6 weeks is a male. So i'm bummed, I shut my light off for now. I have nothing going until I hopefully get my seeds in the mail. FUCK!


Well-Known Member
I hate waiting. I ordered my indica mix pack from Sannie on feb. 1st, now its going to be the 17th tomorrow and still nothing. How long does it usually take to get an order from Sannie to michigan? I just found out that my only seed that I had been vegging for the last 6 weeks is a male. So i'm bummed, I shut my light off for now. I have nothing going until I hopefully get my seeds in the mail. FUCK!
Sannies is usually pretty quick, I would expect it any day. If you email him he would probably tell you when he shipped it, their communication is great and they're cool as hell.