Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
Nice lookin ladies KB You ever think of building a TREE House LOL
I havent taken any of mine in yet think I will give the Iranian till the mid Sept to fill out
The others will be about the 2nd week of Oct I think
KB What strain are those giants?
they are all Great white shark from greenhouse, with the exception of 2 theres a blue hash and blue fruit in there,GWS is like their "quality production" strain I was going to go with white rhino but the GWS yeild'd more overall they said like 800g a plant outdoors and I know for sure a few of them will be beyond that


Well-Known Member
Well I guess with Firelanes first chop, comes the official begining of harvest season! "the chop heard round the world". thanks for kickin it off Firelane.

Well we are starting to get into the good buds of that herijuana! five toke smoke for me. I could see were it would be a bit much for the young.

I have carried 19 gallons of water since yesterday to some ladies, and the way it is looking I will be carring a bunch more 'sucks'. All of those plants wanted water bad, I bet if you gotta grow north of gr I bet yours want a drink too. where da rain? Gonna be 90 so they say today so all I will say, is the more time you put in the more you bud get out.

No more helis? have not seen a one for a while..thats great. I am all done with the breeding and I am getting pumped. Hope the hell they hurry, damn wife deleted her facebook account so now she has been trying to innitiate alot of talking at night...I need my shit now!
hahaha I feel ya there bro..my ol lady hasn't really done much latly and lost most of her freinds since school years back so its me, her, and the dogs..I dont have a job at them moment so she makes me feel bad when I leave her to go hang out with my buddy's all day...

theres no rain in sight there may be some up your way (going off your GR statement) wednesday & thursday but for me it was a 20% and 40% chance...looks like I'll be carrying more water..I'm sore from the 140 gallons I took out last time and I dot have that far of a walk, I'm going to have to go and do it agian maybe even light nutes I know there hungry the leaves where pale and some yellowing but I didnt know if it was cuz they just hadnt had rain to wash the nutes in. I'll be going out today to lug more water out it's been 90 all weekend and I know the girls hate it..but so long as it stays in the high 70's low 80's I could care less for rain for the next four weeks..all it'll do now is create mold problems


Well-Known Member
having flowering problem maybe u can help . they were su[ppose to be on 12 /12 but the light came on at 2 am agiain for the 18/6 timer had set up .. so now the light is still on and i wanted them to be on at 8am to 8pm ...how do i fix that
were they on 12/12 already or was this suppose to be first day of flower? and usually you change the time the lights shut off at night not the time it starts in the morning start up should always be the same...it sounds like either you set the timer for the wrong on/off times or you moved the timer from the right time of day...if this isnt your answe I dont know what your asking...really simply just change the timer to what you want


Well-Known Member
i have a patient who lives in kzoo. i have room for more. im in metro area though but let me know if your interested.


Well-Known Member
does anyone have a 6 or 400w hps I can borrow or rent to own.. LOL... to get my ass back up from this major blow? I was going to use that to get all my gear now I got no job, no money, and no harvest coming I got T5's and T8's but I need to pull some weight to make up for what happened
I have about a month before I'd need it and only need it for 8 weeks or I'll buy it at the end of 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
Are you in trouble or is the garden just gone? You should maybe hide anything in your house that is illegal just in case they find out it was you who grew it and raid your house.


Well-Known Member
i grew some perps last year they were SUPER HUGE ended up showin a buddy who i thought was my good friend and i could trust well word got out that i had em and they were gone no more then a week after i showed him had 13 of them out of 15 seeds stay alive pretty good for Michigan lol the only good thing is i harvested the smaller plant out of the 13 and got 2 and a half oz off it dry weight so it wasnt a total loss in case you are wondering how they were grown they were in 5 gal buckets no nuts at all just plain water


Well-Known Member
Oh i forgot to ask a ? its august 31st today and still no bud on 3 of my plants any kind of explanation for this ?

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I have a Procyon 100w LED= to a 400watt Not for sale but on a loan to get you going
PM Me if you are interested