Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
god I think I'm going to have to not visit this thread anymore it just makes me more and more mad...so pissed off right now..damn cops

hydro shop owner's I've talked to have said that they have heard lot of ppl in my area having the same thing happening to them as well...hmmm..well better run next year

does anyone have a clear veiw on what we can do as far as growing outdoors I plan to do maybe 6 very large girls next year right in my backyard..

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I think the law says that you have to grow indoors in a secure area with a limet on how much in your possetion and how big your girls can be


Well-Known Member
I do know there was a grow last year that a cat grew outside in Kalamazoo in a locked greenhouse i'll se if I can find the thread.

GD, Glad you got some of your girls to cure up.

hic looking sweet bro, I like you band aid approach to healing you hurt ladies looks like it gonna work.


Well-Known Member
I kno theres a redic 2.5 oz holding limit, but no restriction on size of plant they cant tell you that, what im trying to figure out is what a "locked facility" can be..I also know that the law states that to be a caregiver you must be in a buisness zone, it's not supposed to be in your home..our law is fucked up..it also doesnt state who you can give your product to either like caregiver to caregiver or patient to patient, caregiver obviously can give it to his/her patients but what about others patients the law says nothing about it.


Well-Known Member
I kno theres a redic 2.5 oz holding limit, but no restriction on size of plant they cant tell you that, what im trying to figure out is what a "locked facility" can be..I also know that the law states that to be a caregiver you must be in a buisness zone, it's not supposed to be in your home..our law is fucked up..it also doesnt state who you can give your product to either like caregiver to caregiver or patient to patient, caregiver obviously can give it to his/her patients but what about others patients the law says nothing about it.
I know the way the law is written is way fucked up! Too many grey areas and the cop are using that to there advantage I know three people that have cards and still got there plants and equipment taken now thats fucked up. They are fighting to get the stuff back but man what a hassle.


Well-Known Member
When I took these cuttings I just took a bunch of whole branches and cut them into three or four cuttings apiece,after this some of the cuttings(the ones from the bottom of the branch)grow like a plant that has been topped(because they don't only have one growing tip).
So,I guess you could say that I topped some of them(as I was taking the cuttings),but even the ones that grew normal are just as bushy.That's the great sun at it's best.
They went in the ground near the beginning of June.
It's Barney's Farm Sweet Tooth and the purple bud is Grape Krush,I'm hoping they're done in about 3-4weeks(the Grape Krush probably a little longer)


Well-Known Member
Nice to hear someones plants did not get hurt by the wind. Looking good Huh.

Well a Heli went threw my neck of the woods yesterday. It was headed NW and it was a dope chopper for sure. I am very happy he made a strait shot threw!.


Well-Known Member
yea its complete bullshit I have just found that the police are harrasing my fam and watching the house..I belive they dont know where I live, or they would be harrasing me as well, It's just a load of shit, and it pisses me off more and more every day...I'm sick of getting the shit end of the stick..I wont be posting anything anymore realted to what im doing for quite some time...I will be around to offer my advice and opinion(like you all care so much) but thats about it...I dont need more trouble than I've already created


Well-Known Member
KB it will only take a second for the police to find where you live....you married? whats the address on your Michigan I.D., any bills in your name?...Depending how badly they want you..Is exactly how long it takes, to find where you live. Pack your bags and get a new house, put your bills in a buddys name while next big indoor grow, Get a P.O. Box have someone else get mail...

There are sooo many ways to avoid the law, you just gotta be smarter then the retarts trying to find ya....You can either play ghosts and disapear and start over! or you can play Dwarf, and stick around town underground and play cat and mouse game...eventually when the cat is hungy enough He will catch that mouse..

I have never been watched or wanted or anything like that...but if I was, and I was stuck on my ways of growing dope, I could easily dissapear.. Secuirity is still 1 priority in this F-kup world, yours is definatley blown I firmly believe you will be loosing the battle, and next time you may not walk away with just a scratch!

Head north young man!