Mulberry is not landrace. Landrace is a wild species of cannabis that has only be altered by the climate conditions and it's environment and nothing by man a 100% pure genetic pool untapped. Marijuana doesn't grow
Wild in Michigan due to our climate.
Hic the easiest way to clone is build an areo cloner it does the work for you with a 99% success rate there about 70$ to build but then you don't need any clone gel or root cubes nothing just Ph'd water and turn her on. All you need is a roughneck rubermaid tub gotta be roughneck. Neoprene inserts which you can order the actual ones from the areo cloner, PVC pipe, and a pond pump oh and drip irrigation sprayers. I built one in a half hour and it saves me weeks some times while waiting for clones to root in rockwool in a humidome. Clones root in 5-10 depending on strain fastest I've had is deisel at 6 days to show and 8 to dirt. They stay green the whole time you don't need to cut leaves off or back to make up for lost nute source.
The thing most michiganders don't understand is that you don't cross two plants and all of a sudden have a new strain. You have a new f1 hybrid but you need to get down to the f4 generation where you only have 1-3 phenotypes in 100 seeds and they are uniform and stable. I'm not bashing anyone here or saying your not doing something right I just am an avid grower with a good background in biology and have been amateur breeding for the last 3 yrs which by no means makes me an expert. Honestly a first timer can get really lucky cross a plant make a selection over 2 generations and have a strain. But for the rest of us it'll take years for a new "strain"
We are going to need the help of cali's genetics we need cuts of male SVK and OG Kush any kind of "legendary" strains. We need to ban together and travel to get good strains like this and start to breed. We can use seed stock sold by seed companies but what you gotta realize is seed companies will not relese the real genetics that make up their strains and the seed form of whatever strain your buying is nothing like the original clone only versions just so the ordinary grower can't breed it and make money off it. The back bone of all seed companies come from having a golden ticket strain gifted to them or accuired through their work. Basicly being in the right place knowing the right people.
I do put the great green vibes of goodness your way hic and I hole you do come across something outstanding. Lol cloning is a huge part of breeding and just the testing phase do know it's also a hell of alot easier to test a large number of plants by inlisting the help of others to sift through the hundreds of plants to find a special pheno and I'm willing to be a part of it

. Lol
I got some good genetics to start with and plan to start my own small project because it's my next step. Meticulous growing technique every detail taken to the maximum. Perfect Ph, nutes, water, soil, atmosphere, everything. I've grown long enough to where the amazement of just growing the plant and now the extreme perfection comes in