Hi michiganders, I see that many of you are ready to get them seeds in the ground"that's good'". I hope alot of ya pull through this year with massive sweat buds. Even if I don't get to smoke your stash I believe that homegrown is much more healthier for you to smoke, than that brown shit that we michiganders call "mexican shwag". So good luck!
I have grown here in mid west michigan for many years and I of course have my "2cents". First and foremost I have lost more plants due to deer and racoon then I have from all the others reasons for them not to make it "combined"... A solution dig your holes 2 weeks prior to planting while your there work your area "fill in holes with good dirt/remove objects for maximum sunlight". When you go back to your holes make sure you have a animal repellant. I use a homemade recipe that is online with garlic,eggs,milk,and dishsoap. Do not use on your plant put it 10 feet away
Second is, Where I live it is very sandy "toxic". Buy a bag of dirt from the store, make your own, I go to the muck fields grab some dirt buy some dirt and mix it up. I have had good luck with some cornfields and I have had good luck with the right soil in the woods but I tell ya the truth if I go out to a good spot and add 3 handfulls of vermiculite I double the plants size!
Third and last Michigan has alot I mean alot of Hunters! Most of them think they are gods gift to the world and they will take your plants. There are alot of rippers too. There are also alot of tiny airplanes. Do not put all your eggs in one basket.
my little greenhouses are full, I see it is going to get cold again at night for a few days. Sprout em boys and put em in a window!!!