Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

this is my first grow and i am doing this outdoors they are 33 days old at this point and i am doing some lemon skunk which is the skinny leaved one, sweet ganesh spirit, and red diesel this is my first ones i am doing i have others i will be starting soon as well and will post them later on in the months, if you have any comments i would love to hear them, i do my own little tricks with feeding plants and so far it seems to work i had done 1 other time but they got found right before i could harvest them, but now i am a legal caregiver/patient so no more worries for me now, i am using organic soil from walmart and my secret recipes for their food so we will see how they turn out, soon i will have some purple white widow and a few other nice ones i will keep posting



i am growing 5 amnesia lemon haze. 6 60 day wonder. 1 white russian. 1 flash auto ganja. prolly a shit ton of bagseed too.


Well-Known Member
I went out and planted 5 "8 Miles High-Mandala" 4 "Brains Choice-KC Brains" 3 "Pure Power Plant-Nirvana" 1 "White Widow-Nirvana" 1 "Bubleicious-Nirvana" 1 "Hash Plant Haze-DNA". I would have taken pics but my camera was recently stolen and I havent replaced it yet. I will soon and start a grow journal. Best of luck Michigan!!!


Well-Known Member
Dam what a dry spring so far?. Well I am glad we got a little rain today the plants do need alot more though. Happy Memorial Day!

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Went and checked my grow and found that some kind of ground digger (Racoons I think) dug up 2 of the ladies
replanted them 1 will be ok the other I think will not make it
Down to 21 hope no more visits from the miners
Updtes from the rest of you
Pot Head , Hic and the rest of you guys love to keep up to speed on everyones grows
We are off now just waiting for the harvest GOOD LUCK ALL


Well-Known Member
Hello Green Dave, good to hear from you bro. Sorry to hear about the diggers. After I dug my holes (prior to planting thank god) Something came along and dug them all up. I went out and planted this past saturday and put chicken wire around all of them along with a hefty sprinkling of garlic/red pepper/cayanne pepper and cinnamin around the whole area. When I go back this weekend if anything managed to get past my security measures it's blood for blood time! lol
Anyway, I got 15 plants going this year, a mix of Nirvana's- Pure Power Plant, KC Brains- Brains Choice, Mandala's- 8 Miles High plus 1 each of Bubblicious, White Widow, and Hash Plant Haze. My camera got stolen recently but I will be purchasing a new one here shortly and will be starting a grow journal when I do. This being my first outdoor grow (had a few indoors) im excited to see how everything turns out. My only worry is animals. My spot is secluded enough (I hope) to not be found by any people so it's the elusive forest critters that will be my main enemy I predict.
We'll see how it goes and i'll be sure to keep you guys in the loop. Good luck to all of you my fellow Michigananders!!!


Well-Known Member
update.. well so far I have had 2 deaths, i have identified a few females and a few males by june 10th I will have sexed all my plants! I have 6 more plants in 2gallon planters hanging out as male rplacements. I also have a spot known as the male hole.. I currently have a sweettooth and a mandala in that hole and will soon place a critical mass in the male hole and that spot will be complete.

In the next few weeks I will be cloning of the plants I know are female for "cornfield material" and or "seed stock" I will go out, maybe today and take a picture or 2 and will post.
All in all things are looking good!


Well-Known Member
This is a warning to all those that got rain in michigan go out and check your plant for slugs if you did not do the copper ring thing!. I pulled more slugs of plants today then I pulled off all last year. Needless to say I was busy in the rain doing the copper ring thing.


Well-Known Member
Did you guys see this promo from Attitude? 7 free seeds with just a small order.[youtube]K6RTKPuslxo&feature[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
thanks pothead! Yea I love that mandala, The only problem I have with it is the stem is extremely soft and feels very hollow. Which does not allow me to suppercrop or tie down..I will be forced to top this one several times. I will say that bugs stat off it! ,you should see some of my critical mass bugs ate the hell out of em. I can also say that out of about 6 strains it showed the first pre flower.

I am thinking about crossing that mandala with a cm or sweet tooth? right know I am leaning towards the cm. that is also one of my planes for the year!


Well-Known Member
Hey hic, try neem oil, bugs wont go near anything with that stuff on it. I got some Mandala's going right now myself, 8 Miles High. So far im pretty pleased. I have a question, does all this rain and cloudy/dreary shit that we are having right now negatively affect the plants growth? Like from the lack of light and shit? I've only done the indoor thing and I played god in my growroom lol but im sortof in uncharted waters outdoors.