Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
no pothead this weather we are having will not hurt whatsoever. The plants may seem to stretch just a little with 2 weeks of clouds and drizzle, that can be good! helps keep your plant taller then the weeds around it ...also we needed that rain bad and it seemed as though my plants were needing a little break from that intense sun we were having!


Well-Known Member
Did everybody in michigan get busted? Am I the only one left?. I'm getting scared......please if anyone is out there please..please reply! lol
my plants are barely growing, what could be the matter with them they look great just staying short i have them planted in 5 gallon buckets outside using organic earth grow soil and i am becoming lost on what is the matter here, they are 6 weeks old and the tallest is 9-10 inches and has anyone ever grew this dna lemon skunk outdoors?? i got one going just to see what it would do out there and its doing really crappy only 4 inches tall at 6 weeks old and it looks like a old wrinkly plant


Well-Known Member
my plants are barely growing, what could be the matter with them they look great just staying short i have them planted in 5 gallon buckets outside using organic earth grow soil and i am becoming lost on what is the matter here, they are 6 weeks old and the tallest is 9-10 inches and has anyone ever grew this dna lemon skunk outdoors?? i got one going just to see what it would do out there and its doing really crappy only 4 inches tall at 6 weeks old and it looks like a old wrinkly plant
So sorry to hear about your plants, I know I can't help ya without a picture.


Well-Known Member
Did everybody in michigan get busted? Am I the only one left?. I'm getting scared......please if anyone is out there please..please reply! lol
what are you talking about? im soooo confused. this is an active thread.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
I agree with hic , Pictures would help
A couple things that maybe going on
1) You want or think they should be doing better them what they want to do
2) over water ,Did you mix perligth (sorry for the spelling) with all the rain they maybe over watered
3) In a 5 gal bucket the roots have alot of room to grow

I have several Lemon Skunk going in my room , I havent had much luck with it , Had my own problems (Mites , Temps,gone for 4 days with high temps and dry soil)
Keep tring and learn you have to find what a certain type of plant likes
Good Luck
Green Dave:clap:

Hey hic
Dont even joke about getting busted that would SUCK BIG BALLS . I have night mares about that.
A guy that lives behind me (Across the corn field got busted several years back , COPS EVERY FUCKING WERE:shock:
They walked the entire field I lost 5 plants (He got the blame but there was no way I was telling them it was mine.
He had 28 in the field and had 8Lbs dried and packaged so I dont think mine made much differance
Good luck all
Green Daveb:weed::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I'm going out to check on my plants tonight or tomorrow night and will be taking a few pic's or maby making a video and starting my grow journal. When I went out there last week I had three deaths due to slugs or some other stem loving creature. A well, 12 left. Good luck everyone!!!

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
My condolances Pot Head
I will burn one in there honor sorry for your loss
Is there a reward for info on there killer lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dave, aprectate it. Ya I have a reward, some sticky buds from there sisters around the end of Septemberbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm going out to check on my plants tonight or tomorrow night and will be taking a few pic's or maby making a video and starting my grow journal. When I went out there last week I had three deaths due to slugs or some other stem loving creature. A well, 12 left. Good luck everyone!!!
slugs are a issue this year. I wonder why this year there seems to be so many?

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
My grandma used to put a saucer of beer out in the garden , the slugs are drawn to the beer and drown dont know if this will help but I think drunk slugs are less likly to want to get high LOL


Well-Known Member
That's too funny, they get to drunk. Thanks for those tips boys about the slugs boys, But last week I went out to the honey holes and applied copper wire, this week no slugs on the plants! I also went out tuesday and sprayed some plants with sevin. All in all things are looking good, right know there are 10 for sure females, I have found 3 males that I have dug up and planted in the male hole! I guess I am going to have to wait till next weekend to find more. I still have a few plants lying around in 3 gal buckets waiting to go in holes once more males are confirmed.

My grandma used to put a saucer of beer out in the garden , the slugs are drawn to the beer and drown dont know if this will help but I think drunk slugs are less likly to want to get high LOL

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Well Guys
What did we see when you visited your ladies over the weekend, Myself I didnt make it out to see mine as it is a 2 1/2 3 hr drive and I had grad. partys all weekend
Hope all found healthy ladies that are turning into big bushes

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Hey guys
Where is everyone?
Is a search party required? Did you guys get lost in the woods and a bear got you?
How about some updates
Hope no one is wearing there new shoes as this will make them not new any more


Well-Known Member
Pothead32 reporting in:blsmoke: Went to see the kids a few days ago and all is looking well. No dead plants this time. I went out there with a pocket full of pennys and made little barriers against slugs with them around all the plants main stems.
Still didn't get a new camera yet guys so im thinking about just taking my laptop out there and shooting a few pics with it. $$$ is tight as hell right now.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Good news Pothead and glad to see your not lost
was going to post a lost person thread to form a search party
Hope all this rain didnt flood out my ladies wont have time to check them for about 2 week
Where O where did hic go?


Well-Known Member
i checked my girls out last week.. 10 of them are 3 feet tall and the other 15 are about 2 feet tall.. not bad for my first grow. all plants are topped.. when should i start seeing preflowers??


Well-Known Member
All is well in my neck of the woods!! The critical mass's are really starting to come around. I have haulled a couple more males to the male hole. I have been spending a little time tieing down, and topping. almost all plants have been sexed I think there are like 3 or 4 that still are not showing me there gender


Well-Known Member
Good to hear from you Hic and glad to hear things are going well. I went out a few days ago and gave my kids a feeding of Alaska fish fert. I love spending time out there with them.

Hey GreenDave, I was watching the news this morning and someone over in your neck of the woods got busted with 30 plants in his house. His name was Dave too. That wasen't you was it bro?

Overgrow Michigan guys!!!