Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
Rain is one of those factors that we as guerrilla's must sometimes deal with. Having to carry that much water must suck hic! I get mad when I gotta carry one 5 gallon bucket over to the creek twice and it's only a short distance away. I have been relying on the water absorbing crystals I mixed with the soil to carry me at least a week between waterings. So far so good. I am prly going to go check on them tonight or tomorrow. I'll take some more pics from my crappy cell phone cam lol


Well-Known Member
rzza, there you are! haven't heard from you in a minute, whats been up?
I went and checked on my kids tonight. They are all looking great and lovin life. Sorry no pics this time but it was too dark and they are of no value. Just picture the last pics but with more beautiful growth:weed:
Hope all my Michigan growers are having a great grow this year. Hey hic, I think that rain might be on the way my brother


Well-Known Member
rzza, there you are! haven't heard from you in a minute, whats been up?
I went and checked on my kids tonight. They are all looking great and lovin life. Sorry no pics this time but it was too dark and they are of no value. Just picture the last pics but with more beautiful growth:weed:
Hope all my Michigan growers are having a great grow this year. Hey hic, I think that rain might be on the way my brother

ive been reading the thread but its mostly for you outdoorsmen. i planted some outdoor but never came back to check on em. im legal so i wanna stay that way lol

will the rain ever stop?


Well-Known Member
yup just looked at the nexrad radar, and I am loving it. Glad to here about the beautifull new growth Pothead, So that organic fertilizer did not end up bitting you in the butt, awsome!

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Sorry about the title I pressed post then noticed it but it was to late
As for being for outdoor grow that is why I started but ALL MICHIGAN Growers are welcome

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the forcast Im lovin it and so are my girls hope the rain keeps comming so I dont have to haul water that sucks


Well-Known Member
All of my plants are bagseed this year. I used two different kinds. One is the same strain I grew last year, I think it is from purple kush. The other seeds were from commercial. I am glad that the mystery seeds appear to be mostly indica and already reek like skunk. Here are some pics of my Michigan plants.100_0067.jpg100_0061.jpg100_0066.jpg100_0062.jpg100_0063.jpg100_0065.jpg100_0068.jpg100_0064.jpg
I also have one more plant that is very small(18 inches) but already flowering.


Well-Known Member
I did an experiment this year, a few of my plants I planted directly into the natural soil and the rest I used Miracle grow organic soil and some bone and blood meal early on. I have been feeding all of them the same nutrients. Can you guess which ones are in the natural soil and which ones were planted into good soil? I will always do the extra work and dig a hole from now on.


Well-Known Member
whoa missed this thread for a minute agian ...and sorry didnt mean to come off as a dick or anything really ment well and just wanted to help some others out not choosing strains that fit your climate is somthing I see ppl do ALL the time even buddies of mine and I hate seeing their face at the end of the season when their plants are half flowered and full of bud rot...I just dont want it to happen to others thats all...I mean really I could say anything and no one has to listen to me at all LOL!...but MI is a tuff climate we have hot humid summers and rainy falls..which is perfect for mold...so personaly IMO I wouldnt choose a strain that didn't finish in sept..

so if I came off the wrong way with you guys sorry didnt mean anything just dont want you to be dissapointed and spend time and money and not get 10X that back in the end ...

Anyways..I'l try to get some good pictures today for eveyone my girls on average are 7ft tall and 3ft wide with 15-20 days till flowering starts we'll see where they stop!

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
No problem Kloset
That is why I went with Doctor Greenthumbs Iranian G13 finishes in August Fingers crossed it is suppost to be Killer smoke not a huge yeild up to 8 oz per plant is what the site said
Im hoping that is dry weight
Happy Growing
Looking forward to seing the pics


Well-Known Member
oh an this is also a late response but te trainwreck, chemdawg, and kia kush are actualy from apothecary (spell) seeds..which is the guy from cali who also created the goo, grape ape, and a few others those are his strain that he gave to greenhouse to sell...from what I've read so dont quote me on it but it makes sense cuz greenhouse came out wth those all at the same time..and apothecary is based in amsterdam tho the owner is from cali...If you watch the movie "how the weed won the west" you'll see him opening the movie..speaking of movies you can also check out "the green rush" on hulu.com good guerilla documentary...ad "american drug war te last white hope" on youtube is another good one...


Well-Known Member
GreenDave wonderin if you have any white hairs yet on those iranians? Those short seasons are slowly starting to slip into next years line-up, well we gotta see how they do in michigan first,You are the man.!
Glad to see and hear everyones girls are doing great! Things still looking good had a heck of alot of growth this past week! aahhh another day closer.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Will be going on a road trip this weekend ,That is what sucks about livin 2.5 hrs from your grow
I will let you know when I see them I would think so as it is suppost to be ready in Aug. so buds should be growin NOW


Well-Known Member
Will be going on a road trip this weekend ,That is what sucks about livin 2.5 hrs from your grow
I will let you know when I see them I would think so as it is suppost to be ready in Aug. so buds should be growin NOW
Are you taking any flowering ferts with ya?

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Already put some AN Heavy Harvest Fall blend down over the 4th and will deside when I see them if I want to fert or let them "Flush"


Well-Known Member
Cool GreenDave hope you get a smile when you see your plot. On another note has anyone seen the helicopter roaming around?