Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Well hopfully the frost will hold off a few more weeks that would be way cool but dont think it will happen


Well-Known Member
Thanks A Bunch delstele... gonna grow out some other Mr.Nice gear next year cause of you!

Frost hit hard N of GR, one more night I guess and we might have a decent week of growing up ahead? still need some time with my biggest CM and sweet tooth and my alaskan. so cmon warmer nights!

I need some work in the area of storing my dope so that it is not bone dry in 3 months. I have a couple questions for the elders.

Which is better to freeze my dope in thick freezer bags or glass canning jars?

When curing, do you guys leave room for air in the cannin jars or do you pack it right tight with buds?

If I wanna freeze my dope, will it hurt the buds if I still have a small amount of water lingering inside the stem?

If I wanna freeze my dope, do I wanna leave air in the jar "obviously a bit of air will be in jar" or plastic freezer bag? or do I want as little air as possible in the jar or bag?

One more is the frost bad for my seeds still on plants?

Hey at least I gave you something to do! lol thanks to all that have good advise for me.. gotta seed for trade for good advise.


Well-Known Member
Hic you should get one of those vacuum seal machines, those are the best for storing pot and food. You can get one at walmart for pretty cheap and if you have a bunch of pot to store it may be worth your while. You can freeze buds even with a bit of moisture in it, like someone said earlier, just dry it to how you would want it to smoke and then freeze it. If you get the air sealed bags, you really don't even have to freeze it. When I put my pot into jars, I like to stuff them pretty full so there is less air in there, when storing less air is better.

My plants looked good this morning, but these next couple of nights will be a test for them. After that they are calling for temps in the low 70s which is just what I need for mine to fully finish up. The prob with these last weeks of growing in the cold temps is the buds kind of start stalling and not completely finishing. My plants have been two weeks from finishing for three weeks now. I think these last warm days will be enough for them to ripen up just right and I should pick everything in two weeks.100_0120.jpg100_0118.jpg100_0143.jpg100_0126.jpg100_0128.jpg100_0141.jpg100_0122.jpg100_0135.jpg100_0127.jpg

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Just checked my girls outback and they are mostly cloudy no amber yet I guess 1 more week
My girls that are left out (North of GR) 2 Gurrilla Gusto and 1 Blueberry skunk 1 Lemon Skunk hope they can take the frost I would say they need another week and a half.
Plants look good firelane
Hic ,Give me your buds and I will take care of them:-P LOL
How much you storing? I like to freeze it in the jars just be careful the glass breaks real easy when that cold
Good Luck all

Any one got any Ideas for 2011 yet?
Myself I will be planting Iranian G13 by DR Greenthumb again for sure probly some Yummy and would like to try some michigan made seeds:clap:

I would also like to thank all of you for posting in here and sharing your knowlage with every one
This has been one of the most helpful threads for michigan growers that I have seen on here lets stay togeather for next year


Well-Known Member
looks like you will have enough till next year firelane. thanks for the pics! I love seeing others peoples plants. I really like it if that plant is MICHIGAN grown!.

thanks you guys for your advise on storing. delstele what ya think so far from your widow?

Thanks for starting the thread Green Dave! and thanks for chanching plains to plans.. or how did you spell it? lol Oh and I aint done posting on this thred yet. not done with the grow.


Well-Known Member
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saving the best for last...theres that dank CM, pictures don't do it justice gotta be 10 by 8 don't know for sure was gonna take another picture later on with someting to measure size but she is bending good now after the last rain and wind, too top heavy.

I do know that I hope my wifes vigina smells like those buds in that picture when we get to heaven...like a soft white chocolate with a hint of awww. this is my fav.this is the prize outta all of em...and yea select branches are seeded with CM and sweet tooth...oh yea the ST she is comong up too.

that cm in the picture still needs a week of warm nights though.


Well-Known Member
looked at your pics again and damn firelane you gotta nice plot of plants this year!


Well-Known Member
hic your welcome bro just spreading the Mr Nice love. I got about a week before I'm gonna pick the rest of my girls. Looking dank hic, fairlane, Green Dave you fellas are doing Michigan up proper. I wanna thank everyone for there input its been a good ride this year.


Well-Known Member
Green Dave FYI this morning was more like a flash freeze then a frosts North of GR. This was a little too extreme frosts this morning plants were frozen stiff!

I am wondering if such a hard frosts will ruin the quality of the bud? anyone gotta idea?


Well-Known Member
Well I checked a few plants around 1pm and plants seem to be in overall good health after 2 days of a dam good frosts.. tonight is the last night we are supposed to get hit by frost and I think that would be about it for them girls, if the frost in the morning was not about to take a short break..

In conclusion after tonights frost we are supposed to get a small warm up in the forcasts.. I am considering this warmer weather thats coming tuesday, as "one last push" kinda thing. I am about 75% sure that I am going to be cutting down the rest of the ladies. on or right before the next wave of frost mornings role back into town... I aint joking about the hard frost this morning, I was borderline very concerned.

Green Dave a few posts you asked me about yeild and I have not answered because I have no answer... I am not rude, just forgetfull as hell.


Well-Known Member
I know I was a bit troubled as well hic so I had to go have a look too. My ladies are doing good a bit burnt on one bud site that I saw but no biggie I think. If we get another hard frost tonight it may make the smoke a bit harsh but nothing a bit of curing wont take care of. Yup its the last of the warm weather here in the mitten I'm afraid, Good luck fellow growers its push time..:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
and we are off... the last push. I am sure am glad I have a few grows behind me, and know how much the plants can take.. I would have been pissed at myself if I would have, cut down the remaining ladies for fear of the first frost and had a week of nice weather ahead.. In this week there will so much growth on them buds it'll be crazy, thank mother earth boys from michigan, It could have all been over had they said it was going to be cold and rainy the rest of this week!!! we were dealt a good hand for a GREAT harvest with this warm up!!

theives could still get ya...and that is about it! Finally we made it too the point were there is only one obsticle remaining!


Just wanted to say thanks for the great advice on Michigan growing. First year grow of bagseed. My plants are going to produce a lot more than I planned on and can use in a short time, so have been looking into storage. Saw something you all may be interested in. If you don't want to store in the freezer and you have a vacuum sealer machine with an accessory port (hose for using canisters, etc.) you can buy a foodsaver jar sealer for about $10 at cabelas or amazon or other places online. It's made for storing coffee, beans, etc. but should work for bud. It's supposed to vacuum seal a mason jar by removing all the air and making a vacuum seal with the lid like home canning but without the water. Says it will preserve anything 3-5 times longer than just putting a lid on the jar. I have one on order. If anyone is interested I can let you how it works when I get it.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say thanks for the great advice on Michigan growing. First year grow of bagseed. My plants are going to produce a lot more than I planned on and can use in a short time, so have been looking into storage. Saw something you all may be interested in. If you don't want to store in the freezer and you have a vacuum sealer machine with an accessory port (hose for using canisters, etc.) you can buy a foodsaver jar sealer for about $10 at cabelas or amazon or other places online. It's made for storing coffee, beans, etc. but should work for bud. It's supposed to vacuum seal a mason jar by removing all the air and making a vacuum seal with the lid like home canning but without the water. Says it will preserve anything 3-5 times longer than just putting a lid on the jar. I have one on order. If anyone is interested I can let you how it works when I get it.

hey thanks, man i'll look into it. By the way have you got to sample any of your bagseed buds yet?


I have sampled it. Pulled the first plant about 2 weeks ago. Hung it for a few days, and was very surprised at the potency. About 4 hits is enough.

Question for you guys, when trimming your buds, do you take the leaves off all the way to the stem or do you just cut the leaves down so they are flush with the bud?


Well-Known Member
I cut all the way to the stem as much as I can,until the bud becomes too tight and getting the whole stem outta there aint an option I cut flush.

On another note I cut down my most prized cm today!! Harvest will be complete by tuesday of all my remaining ladies"4more" that sweettooth is really putting on the weight! very sativa looking buds she will be the last pic of an outdoor plant I put up for the year...then the harvest pic.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Well Hic the Irainan G13 is a keeper not the best bag appeal but after about 3 weeksi n the jar the high is great picked with all cloudy trics and am glad a good up high most of its gone already kept a little back for myself:clap:
The jilly beam will take some time to cure its harsh now
The girls in the back yard
1 YUMMY wow what a plant looks great nice buds good weight and yummy smooth took some 2 weeks ago and just finish the rest last night
1 jilly bean will be cut Monday maybe Sunday due to rain comming
1 LA Woman Huge nice buds will come down Sunday
1 Pure Gold smells good looks good nice buds took last night
1 bule berry x skunk looks good and smells good will take sun or mon
Good luck every one:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
man Green Dave I most certainly would love to hear more or take a toke of that blueberry/skunk..just the thought of them combined makes me think I would really enjoy that...let us know on the taste please, I want to grow a plant of the fruitiest tasting stuff known to man but I do not know what strain what strain that would be that would be able to grow in michigan so I am searching.

Very happy to see all went well for ya dave this year. I know your very first posts you say you had troubles with that miraclegrow soil last year. It sounds like you fixed that for sure this year. I am wondering why you have just a little bit of that Iranian though? was that in the ecuasion before you sprouted the seeds?

Well Green Dave....ahhh almost time to relax eh.
