Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
My buddy decided to buy horse manure to cover the smell of his grow up!! I told him it's gonna stink to high hell!! He owns the lot next to his house so he is gonna spread the manure over the yard away from his grow.

That's funny shit - get it?. I think that would and is so cool. I guess no better way to get an asshole of a neighbor outta town. I wonder if he creates enough stinch if he will bring on more attention to the area then he would have done with just the scent of a mj plant?


Well-Known Member
How are the JB doing?
All the others look good ,I need to come up your way for a visit some time soon
Come on by GD! Been waiting on ya. The Jilly is doing good. I started it when I started the herijuana. I still do not know if it is male or female though. It is still small about 8 inches. I will take a pic.


Well-Known Member
hic, how much do you think your gonna average per plant.... I was hoping for 6.... but mine are still youngins, as i just transplanted a week ago....


Well-Known Member
hey hic... days are too short this time of year.. been mia too long. to much goin on at this point. hope it calms down soon so i can spend more time on here other than catching up..i have some jillybean/blue fruit seeds and some strawberry kush/agent orange seedlings.. cant wait to smoke em.. got a coupole green crack plants to go outside today.. they are about 2 ft. tall.. they should be full grown by harvest i hope.. that will put me up to 5 outside. i used osmocote on 2 of em and 12-12-12 on the other one.. is this an okj fert hic? i bought some medical marijuana dirt the other day.. kinda pricey but it has everythingin it. just dd water. iput the sbk/ao in it. we will see how it works.. its a michigan product.. made in canton.. 36 bucks a bag.. im done with miracle grow..


Well-Known Member
hammer - I do not know much about your fert but please be carefull if it is time released. You never know when or how much it is going to release lol. Have had time release ferts do me wrong in the early years. I think it is best when it comes to time release to use a pinch less then called for when you deal with mj? idk

If it is not time released I just wasted our time.lol I like the line up hammer. I can't remember if you have a med card...do you?


Active Member
Need a little advice. I got a really late start this year. I just germinated a few Nirvana seeds that I had left from last years indoor grow. 1 White Widow Fem. and 8 freebies that I have no idea what they will be. Last year two of the freebies were sativa. They are in plastic cups and just started to pop out the dirt this morning. They will be going in the ground in Northern Western Michigan about 45 degrees latitude. Am I totally too late to pull this off or will I be able to come away with some decent smoke for myself? I know if any are sativa they wont finish. I no longer have a decent location to do anything indoors for the time being. Whats the consensus?
Also wondering with you PoDunk, I have 6 white widows plus freebies from Attitude's June promo and some of the U.F.Os and was thinking about growing the Pineapple Express and possibly Burmese Kush for my first grow. It seems like it may be a little too late, and I may just end up freezing them and doing a grow next year unless someone believes that it would be possible to start a grow now.

Any advice? Thanks all

Edit: Also, I'm like less then an hour west of Detroit if that makes any difference


Well-Known Member
You can start them and they will finish your yield will be low. My plants are 2ft - 3ft by now so you will beclosing around a month or so of your veg. But go for it. As far as that pineapple express goes make sure you put that somewhere far away from people. I grow that strain and it is PUNGENT!!! that fucker smells my entire upstairs out and I only have my mom plant up there no other plants. It stinks from veg all the way to you cash the bowl.
Hahaha didn't think that would really be that big of a deal. I intend on growing about a mile away from my house in a forest, so the scent should probably be alright. I think that maybe I should just do the Burmese kush as that is my only indica, but if I can get like 1/2 oz or so dry total, then honestly I think it would be worth it as I'd be better equipped for my next grow and the seeds were free so it's not a huge deal anyway.


Well-Known Member
That pineapple express stays in my garden for a reason. It's strong knock out and the smell and flavor are intense. You'll get a half oz dry.
Do you use the G13 Labs version, or something else? Just wondering.

Also, thanks a lot for helping me out. It's nice to be able to ask someone when you have no idea what the hell you're doing :)