Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
ya know how trim has that dirtier smell? you will smell that a bit mixed with the good smell but no worries once you get rid of all the trim on it the smell goes with it.


Well-Known Member
This stuff has a very unique smell. Its like a skunk rolled around in orange peels and and then got dusted with pepper.


Well-Known Member
shizzle, can i smoke without my card? its expired and i only have cg cards that are not expired. i wanna come up but not if i cant smoke. fuck that. i have my expired card ...


Well-Known Member
see they tell us that there is a medicating section or tent or whatever then when they get people there it changes. convenient. FOR THEM!!!!!!


Active Member
Okay guys this is what she looks like. She is standing about 5'8" Should I keep going or pull her. Mold scares the hell out of me since I cant get to it until the weekend. Looks pretty good I see a few sugar leaves dying off. Every one of them makes me think mold. As of now I am going until next week unless someone jumps in here and says pull it. Would like to go until the end of the month. My tent cover flew off Friday night. I had to put a few paver bricks on to keep it down.



Well-Known Member
You can medicate anywhere you want in Detroit lol. Worst that will happen is you'll have to share with a lot of people. Roll them big!
apparently thats not the worst that can happen cuz a few people blazed up anyhow and the whole event got shut down so .....


Glassblowing Moderator
I was there all weekend till ceremonies on Sunday. I had a blast. I didn't have a problem blazing. The cops came in and regulated the smoking because you didn't have to have a card to get in. But as soon as the pigs were gone it was on! Tga seeds were there and I got plushberry, ace of spades, and vortex for 60$ a 10 pack! Made lots of connects. It was a good time. I got 3 huge bags of ROTHBURY super soil free too. Soo much free shit. Tons of vendors. I got in free too. .. with a vendor bracelet ...

Sold an assload of glass too..


Well-Known Member
thats sweet man but i have talked to a few people who said it wasnt even a good expo if you take off the high times cc name off it.

but its cool, either way ....expo came, you guys had fun, i didnt go. hopefully it arrives again next year:)


Glassblowing Moderator
It wasn't as large as I imagined a cannibus cup to be and if they went Sunday a lot of the glass vendors were shutdown and the glassblowing was stopped.. fucking cops..I was networking and meeting lots of cool people. So I guess if you came to get smoked out. The cops fucked that up. . They were still selling weed and edibles all over. And the afterparties were dope


Well-Known Member
Well, ive got about 20 gallons of roughly trimmed bud curing. The rest is sitting in black garbage bags to slow the the dry. Two more days and I should have it all curing.
Its been a busy ass week


Active Member
Well, ive got about 20 gallons of roughly trimmed bud curing. The rest is sitting in black garbage bags to slow the the dry. Two more days and I should have it all curing.
Its been a busy ass week
James- Get it out of those plastic garbage bags unless you're trying to turn your buds into compost. Doesn't take long to get them cooking.


Well-Known Member
wow wish ida made the canna cup. sounds like fun plus free stuff. how much $ to get in?

@ james-- great job @ getting 20 gal plus. mine didnt turn out to well i lost an entire plant to my dog. i think he pulled it up it just dissapeared bout a month ago.. my dog likes the stalks and stems.. i got some nice pollenated seeds green crack and either milkyway or strawberry kush x agent orange im hopin for more kush orange.. the milkyway indoors was too fluffy for me.. good buzz and good flavor... not gonna grow it again from seed. lots of extras..

catch ya later guys..