Michigans RIU Summer BBQ/Get Together


Well-Known Member
So has it been done?

How awesome would it be if all the legal RIU Michiganers came together for a day for a giant get together with, food, drinks, Tables wit medicine medables concentrates and merchendise for donations. Could even do a little RIU Medical Cup Competition.

Were are our rich people at lol. or sponsers to throw it togther


Well-Known Member
lol nice idea, Im even tempted to make the flight and make a vacation out of it, and Im from Denmark, but why not, have to go some where :D and why not go where the smoke is "legal" :D


Well-Known Member
You do realize if we all bring a dish to pass there is a chance we will all be passed out at the park? I can only imagine the headlines on that.


Staff member
id go but i wouldnt be able to smoke there since im from canada and dont want any legal troubles but im right across the border or Michigan :D


Active Member
I can see it now, we get there, and everyones is going to be like you gotta try my stuff, no man mine is better, someone else will be like no you guys gotta try this shit i grew,

we smoke like 50 joints real quick, than break out the HASH, than eat a cookie or 3 . than 35-45 minites after we get there, we will all be so Pucking HIGH we will just sit there all queit and shit, and not say a word to each other, mabey Laugh and giggle alittle bit. Take a weed nap and go home

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
there are a few incognito women lurkers, they have computers too.

we don't discriminate and every one of us is a gentleman.


New Member
I think a private camp meet would be fun . I live in Northern Michigan , so it would not be of interest unless in the North or even better in the U.P. were anyone can smoke trees out in the middle of nowhere ..


Well-Known Member
I know of another site that was able to use a camp ground.. They also were "allowed " to medicate.. Obviously carded members only! I think the camp was in Coldwater!

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
That group did not insist that people had their cards... by the way. It's up to the individual if they choose to partake or not.
Ppl have spouses, friends and other family members that want a party and don't have a card for their own reasons.