Mickey Kush aerogarden grow


Well-Known Member
loookin goood my friend.. might want to flip them babies soon.. that hood might work with the light i'm sending ,, i am sure you can figure something out when you get it ,,,but looks good they are all doing great..


Ideally yes you would want to take your clones before flip.
Ok thanks what about flipin em u think 3 days left of veg would be fine then flip the switch it would be the beginning of week 4 just not sure if I will have the room if I veg for another week as u can see im limited lol :bigjoint:


New Member
No reason to worry just trying to adjust to the best possible position for lighting. Looks good so far. Just a little thought I have had best experience in the aerogarden by vegging for 5 weeks and flowering for 3 to 4 I like a overall of 55 days from seed to harvest just my thoughts take them or leave Em.


No reason to worry just trying to adjust to the best possible position for lighting. Looks good so far. Just a little thought I have had best experience in the aerogarden by vegging for 5 weeks and flowering for 3 to 4 I like a overall of 55 days from seed to harvest just my thoughts take them or leave Em.
yea ur good man but I have took em out the aerogarden and put em in sum bubble buckets so I guess Ishould move this thread to the dwc one lol