micro growing

I Grew Mine

Well-Known Member
hey guys, I've heard of micro growing and understand the concept. But i want to know really, how easy is it? If i'm looking to grow in a computer tower do I need a certain strain that will only grow that high? or can i simply vegetate, and change the cycle before it hits the top? What kind of lighting would i be using?

thanks in advance!
i hvent been here that long, but there a bunch of threads where pc growers talk about what they did. one member even has 2 journals about it. id recommend searching, because all the infos here and ive seen it recently.

to get you started, people use CFLs, plugged in to power strips, and use LST among other training methods to keep them from getting too big.
Do it if you want to grow badly... not for the yield...

There are a few ways to train you plants to stay short... but still I wouldn't vedge my plants at all.

You'll probably end up with an eight per plant... more or less depending on how well you take care of your plants
Flower short clones as soon as you see roots...

These turned out 6" tall and 13" wide with a bit of LST...





it is a clone grown in the pepto bismal cup you cant see the roots cause i trimmed them and re potted in fresh soil... every week or so
hahaha fuck yeah gypsy bush bonzai plants of doom i always wanted to try that in an aerogarden they look chronic, how much yield on average was one of those lil buggers?