micro pc growing,a few questions


I have recently started three seeds in my homemade pc case.it is about 19 inches tall 7.5 inches wide and 17 inches deep.I was thinking about scrog at first then I decided on sog.my seeds are gonna be grown in 16 oz solo cups their whole life.I am using cfls about 70 watts that was the most I could fit.my main question is will I be able to flower the plants in that space without any lst or hst.also if it is possible how soon should I switch to 12/12.I want small only top bud plants.please help me out if you can.thanks everyone


Active Member
Holy crap those are some friggin' tight dimensions bro!

Well I have seen some fantastic results on plant that were only vegged for two weeks from seed and clone that were put directly into 12/12 both with rather amazing results actually... But they were experienced growers.

Look up "party cup grow" in the forum search and you'll find some helpful results of folks growing in the exact size and type of containers you're looking to use.

Thats the basics of it but honestly if you are a newbie grower I do not reccomend you take on project like this. Harvest 1 plant using simple techniques your only focus to harvest reefer. Then once you have the basics down go for a more advanced project. But hey if ya do try it gotta show it off to us. Good luck!


Active Member
Just use Low Stress training. It's too small of a space. Also use fabric Pots.Buy two root pots from Roots Organics and fold them down in half. They will air prune your roots giving you extra space.

or check out my DIY in my sig


Active Member
Yea those breathable pots are amazing, I use the "smart pot" brand.
They work great too. Just a little wider than the roots. 1 gallon roots pots are 6" in diameter. They'd fit in his case for sure. 1 gallon smart pots might fit anyways since they conform shape. Fabric Pots are definitely sweet.


Hey thanks for the help hippysmoke.I'm not growing with fem seeds so i really only plan on having 1 or 2 plants.they are bag seed but my first grow I used bag seed and all three of them were female.I did that grow in a closet but the police raided my house about 4 weeks into flowering so I didn't get to finish my first grow.very disappointing.that's why I decided tp try something stealthy.but I would like to put my grow on here but I'm not sure how to post pics.the only thing I have for internet is an HTC hero smart phone

Thanks for the suggestion purple but my plants are already started and I don't really wanna transplant.I might try it on my next grow tho.I will prolly take your advice on the low stress training cuz it is gonna be a tight fit lol


Any help on how to post pics?my plants are about a week old now and I'm wanting to put my grow on here.still wondering when I should switch to 12 and 12


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, show us some pics, there is this icon
that says 'insert image' click on that one and upload your pics :)


Thanks for the reply Lince,but I'm still a lil confused about how to do it,it says put in url of pic but my pics are on my phone?


Well-Known Member
First click in the icon I told you, the one in the red circle.


And you should get the following window:


Just click select files and choose the files you want to upload.
But I think you need flash so you'll probably have to do it with the browser in your computer.


Oh Damn I only have my phone for internet.I have a smartphone tho,is there any way to get flash on an HTC hero for Alltel?