Micro WOG - experiment 1x24W CFL


Elo, elo!
I dont know if such kind of training exist, but I invented it sometimes, and I decided to taste it in micro. I colled it WOG - waterfoll of green. So in fact its "Leavesfoll" if such word exists in English. If yes it may be "LOG" - please help me i m not very good at english::(
This is turning box about 90 de. when the plant has several storeys of leaves, and bending it to surface of the container, in this case the lighr folls only from righ side, no from top at all. Leaves will be obviously go to lamp, but I do not know what would about flowers and if is possible for hemp to grow in position where the "over-ground parts of plants" are under the level of surface of soil?
This is obviously extreme kind of LST training, but in this case its rather high stressing for plant;)
cardboard after shoes 32x27x12cm (inside obviously smaller because of there is the light-trap for the comp-fun)

Light - CFL 24W / 1500lm / warm (FP = 18/6 all time)
Air circulation - one comp-fun 80mm suppled about 5V (instead 12V). It blows the could air to inside, and mixs air inside in the some time. Old air escapes passiv over the lamp away.
Container - on start 2x0,7l, next 1x2l.
Soil - usual from garden-shop ph about 6 + dolomite (in fact at start i used old soil from last gro;)
Nuitres: As yet, only Biohumus (this is organics on base Californian worm"s shits). I gave first dose Flora BLOOM today too,
1xHindu Kush AF
1xDiesel Ryder AF
Bolls are regular from www.ganjafarmer.pl

Shortcut with beginning of this gro
Over the ground:
HK 13.07.2010
DR 15.08.2010
I had bad luck, because when I started, there was horrible heats (about30-32C in shadow) here, therefore inside the box temperature came up to 34C. It slowed down a bit plants' growth, especially DR was have sensitive hot, HK was more resistant. When temperature normalized DR began better grow, and caught up the HK, but DR show be male, and went away to uther box for pollen.
HK get new bowl 2l, with fresh soil. and was bended, and the box turn down. I had abort a few leaves from top (left side before) because these come in to comp-fun.
So, this Journal concerns Hindu Kush now only. It is 26 days old today, and its 3 days in folled box.

HK - 1 day

HK - 12 days
DR - 10 days

17 days:

Hindu Kush - 24 days

25 days

Ps... Sorry for my english, if can correct me when i did language mistakes , thnx !


Well-Known Member
If I understand correctly, you're trying to bend the plant down over the side of the container? If so, the plant's just going to keep orienting it's self straight up towards the light source.


Well-Known Member
If I understand correctly, you're trying to bend the plant down over the side of the container? If so, the plant's just going to keep orienting it's self straight up towards the light source.
thats the idea, LST'ing


Well-Known Member
Well it's a form of LST for sure. But not very efficient, I would think. Usually one would LST to maximize the surface area of the plant for more future budsites, not tie the plant over one side of the pot. Just based on what I understand of LST.


If I understand correctly, you're trying to bend the plant down over the side of the container? If so, the plant's just going to keep orienting it's self straight up towards the light source.

If fototrophism will not works, then i ll bind plants again just like tje last pics, and like You wrote. Today (post 48h of bondage) i set plant free and i ll waitin for its next movies;)
Tommorow ill give new pics.


My idea is not maxymalize yield - like normal LST, but i just to see how be look buds with such kind of light (vertical, horizontal? vertical asymetic? will be bigger at right side?). Another idea is such thats in my country a many people cant let theyself to have high growbox because must hide it against police, parents etc. If someone smoke only a few joints per months may grow own MJ, instead buy from street-dillas (in Poland 90% people in prison from narcotics "crimes" are normal young users who have f.ex 0,5g in the pocket, when are controled by gestapo, only 10% are really dillas). Moreover dillas added glass, etc to the grass. Such small growbox is easy to hide or deestroy when gestapo knock to the door.


Well-Known Member
I gotcha. Well nice going for the balls out give-it-a-try.. I read a news report and watched video news report about dealers spraying micro-beads of glass onto the buds with sprayers similiar to a paint sprayer. Apparently to add weight and make it look frostier, but that's just horrible. Some guy in Britain was mentioning that he and his band mates were on tour and ended up going to the hospital because they couldn't sing the next day. They bought some herb from a guy on the street and got nasty lung infections from smoking a bunch of weed with micro glass particles stuck to it.


Yaa...not only glass but sand, lead, any WC -cleaners, the sugar, coke, spray like "flay-killers" and many different.
In fact ussually weed is pure from this pollutions, but because of there is noise about it at media a small dilers added it because they belives if weed will be "better" "stronger"
Otherwise always own herb is better especiall if You live in country where are closed to prison people from 0,5g hemps, and politicians in work drink alkohol legally. Then if You buy from street dilas you support mafia and these politicians. Dilas + mafia + gestapo ("police" in fact they are the same people who 20 years ago tormented oppositionists' Poland with Solidarity now the torment on the same police-stations kids)+ the politicians (the same who licked the ass of USSR, now licked the asses EU, pharmatics mafias) = Babylon. Rally small dilas are only victims of this system often because of their stupied or greed.
end :offtop: :)


27 days
After 3 days since LST the growth slowed down clearly. I made LSt again, because phototrophism lost with geotrophism:( This concerns the top, because leaves drove theyself correctly.The top drove horizontally or even gently at top. it means to the comp-fun instead to the bulb.

But I donot worry, because the slowlyness may be caused of stress, smaller lighting ( the larger part of the light on this moment be waste unfortunately), also by driving theenergy for the growth of roots ( they have 3x more space now).

I happy because however she slowled, but no stoppet at all, so i dont lose my hope too.)
