Microbial mass

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The science on this specific bacillus is way old going back to the late 1800’s. So this is far from cutting edge technology. It’s use specifically in agriculture also laid out a very long time ago.

Ridiculous price for a substance with little to no proven benefit for any single crop. It’s merely a component of a healthy root environment.

I’m far from being a microbiologist but in every study I’ve ever seen it’s the networks of fungi, not bacteria, most responsible for nutrient uptake by plants. Bacillus is known as I already pointed out and if its involvement was that impressive you’d be reading about it.

Snake oil.
Hm ill have to disagree with you on that one.
They studied wild plants that grew on their own in different areas and colonized the specific bacteria found on the plants naturally. I dont see how its a gimmick. If you havent used bacteria and fungi in your soil I could see how you think its snakeoil. But i can assure you these are good bacteria. You can make a tea with it and it foams up like crazy so the bacteria is clearly viable
I know theres alot of users here who are totally anti weed nutes but they use products like jacks which I am totally anti jacks.

How do you know what they studied? There is nothing on their website that links to any study. All I see is the standard marketing jargon about cutting edge, proprietary blends, and how their product is the greatest out there. Just the standard blah blah blah to get cannabis growers to buy their product.

I collect my own microbes. All it takes is a little brown rice to make IMO indigenous microorganisms. Anyone can just make their own for pennies. I'm just amazed at how so many think these products are some kind of miracle potion.



Its all organic. Approved by ecocert in Canada.
The bacteria are listed on the bottle ill take a pic for you
Here just jump through this first lol
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Personally I'd avoid it just because the company is not upfront about what's in it. I spent some time clicking on links on their webpage with no luck.

I shouldn't have to purchase a bottle just to find out what's in it. People often look to supplements to increase their yields when they should focus on becoming a better grower.
PGPRs are certainly beneficial, Big Ag wouldn't use them on an industrial scale if they weren't. The problem people have with products like this is a total lack of transparency, which unfortunately, is all too common in cannabis marketing. The ingredients should be clearly marked on the label with the cfu/ml. This is why Mammoth P got in trouble a few years back-they had stuff like triacontanol in it that wasn't listed on the label. Aren't we lucky to live in an age where almost every research article in the world is available in full text on the internet? The kids going to college today have it so freaking easy.
Make Your Own Soil Microbe Mix!

Molasses - unsulphered – (Our tests of every brand we could get our hands on found that Plantation Blackstrap brand produced the most active cultures) For bulk orders contact Organic Fertilizers Inc

Water - filtered or distilled

Dirt from undisturbed pasture, bottom land, prairie, Harvested every six inches from a 3 foot deep hole.


When soil temperature reaches 60 degrees or more, using post a hole digger make a hole 3 feet deep, taking a dirt sample every six inches.

Clean Gallon Jug with Hot Water and Soap, Rinse well.

Add 2 cups hot to the touch water.

Add 2-1/2 oz molasses - = 2-1/2 shot glasses - this yields an approximate 2% solution.

Fill the bottle ½ full with cool non chlorinated water.

Mix the soil samples, add 1 cup dirt to the bottle, shake, then fill bottle with water 2 inch below neck.

Wait until foaming stops - about 2 weeks at 90 F, or pH = 3.5 - 4.0 (pH test papers widely available)

Lol. All i was asking is if anyone has tried it or wanted to try it. We all have our own methods and products that we like to use. Its just sad when people try to push their opinions on others without any REAL facts just what they think. School me on the use of the word hate? I doubt it. Seems like you got alot of it and need to lash out on the internet to people about your views to raise your self esteem. I duno. Seems kinda desperate and sad to me. Just coulda debated it like civilized human beings but you gotta condescend and push your views.
All good man. Do what you need to.
Personally I'd avoid it just because the company is not upfront about what's in it. I spent some time clicking on links on their webpage with no luck.

I shouldn't have to purchase a bottle just to find out what's in it. People often look to supplements to increase their yields when they should focus on becoming a better grower.
Thanks but i do have alot of exp. I always use bacteria and fungi and was just asking if anyone has tried this particular brand not their personal opinions on the product that they havent heard of or tried themselves
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