Micro's first h20 attempt... Going GDP & DWC 8)


Well-Known Member
I think you will love the lemon skunk. Mine has a pledge like skunky smell. She is sweet. Fortuneatly the "skunk" hasnt leaked out of my grow much. I cant wait to sample the high :hump: 3 more weeks!!!

bill johnson

I pretty much copied your pc grow with soil. It is working great.


Well-Known Member
thanks bill... i have never tried growing in water, and honestly, i dont think i have all the rite nutes either, but im gonna give it my best shot... i know this, if it turns out successful, anybody can grow hydro basically... i have an idea of what im doing, but with o previous experience, i am utterly lost in a sense.. lol.. i know i have people on here i can turn to, but i grow for experiental purposes, so i do my best with experimenting the most possible ways to fix and solve issues/problems... asking for help is a last resort in my technique... however, i know it wouldnt be a problem gettin it on here with so many good friends... thanks guys ;)


Well-Known Member
no action with the seed... so i am thinking that when i get home i am gonna germ about 50 seeds from some fire reggie that was full of seeds.. i know what you guys are thinking.. reggie seeds???? wtf!?!?! right? well, in theory, with this bud being as fire as it was full of seeds, i am thinking that with it being grown sensi style, it will be supa bomb... make sense? growing out these genetics will allow me to create my own strain entirely. if this bud is legit, being i prolly have about 100 fully matured seeds of it, i can always grow out more from those seeds... just an idea, but im getting tired of these seeds i have not crackin and waitin on 1 seed at a time so i dont waste any more than i have to... plus these being a super experimental grow, i really dont wanna fuck my only chance at growing out any of these fire ass seeds that (may) could have been even better grown out in dirt... know what i mean?

thoughts please...


Well-Known Member
Micro. You said you are growing GDP right? im not sure if im biased but does that stand for Grandaddy Purp?

Also I read like 6 months ago up on that strain and I heard it was clone only or something like that. Could be why you had issues germing, its not too stable or something.

Also with your seed choice, I recommend going indica for small grow


Well-Known Member
no action with the seed... so i am thinking that when i get home i am gonna germ about 50 seeds from some fire reggie that was full of seeds.. i know what you guys are thinking.. reggie seeds???? wtf!?!?! right? well, in theory, with this bud being as fire as it was full of seeds, i am thinking that with it being grown sensi style, it will be supa bomb... make sense? growing out these genetics will allow me to create my own strain entirely. if this bud is legit, being i prolly have about 100 fully matured seeds of it, i can always grow out more from those seeds... just an idea, but im getting tired of these seeds i have not crackin and waitin on 1 seed at a time so i dont waste any more than i have to... plus these being a super experimental grow, i really dont wanna fuck my only chance at growing out any of these fire ass seeds that (may) could have been even better grown out in dirt... know what i mean?

thoughts please...
Whatcha gonna do with 50 seeds? I'm all for experiemntal grows, and you know I'm on my first DWC setup too. Water is cool so far, and I've unintentionally done everything I can to sabotage my grow, so I know what you mean when you say if it's a sucessful grow that proves anyone can grow in water...lol...And I've noticed they grow pretty fast when they're happy...Anyway, let us know what you do when you have 39 sprouts to plant, that'll be a fun adventure...lol


Well-Known Member
lol meta... im thinking put them all in party cups outside and see how they grow basically.. the ones that grow how i want will be the keepers... i will take clones, sex and flower... keeping the best female as a mother in my mother box... then go from there maybe... and yeah, gdp is the grand daddy... hmm... interesting that it is clone only.. could be a very good reason the seeds arent doing shit... lol...


Well-Known Member
yeah if anything the GDP probably crossed with something good. I would think if some one had some GDP, they had some other good strains going.


Well-Known Member
exactly what i was thinkin.. too bad these lil muh fuccas arent sproutin.. imma give the one i have germing a few more days... prolly till saturday.. if it hasnt germed in 7 days, then i assume its a crap seed... i am deciding to stick to germing out my good seeds to go with the dwc... i am also still germing my schwag seeds for a guerilla grow op i may try... lol.. curious to see how its gonna come out... next up after this gdp seed will be a hawaiin skunk seed... i hopen whatever pollinated the fem will be indica dom... know way of knowing, but if it turns out to be ideal for my style, i will still have two more seeds ofthe same strain to grow out... so... the waiting game is still on... crappy... :(


Well-Known Member
Yo micro

Gunna throw my 2 cents in here for ya. Hawaiian is a saliva Dom plant. Gunna be tall. Read my dwc journal it will answer slot of questions. Now for the reggs seeds. Usually with reggs seeds what I've learned is that most of the genetics aren't that great. My dwc grow looked very dank but still smelt and tasted like reggs. It's worth a shot to try and see what happens but I feel you will be better off with known genetics. How are you germing the seeds? I soak them in a shot glass of water for 12 hours then move them to a Tupperware that is lined with 5 layers of paper towels get e
Wet and put the seed in the middle. Then put in on top of a DVr the heat helps to germ em after a day. Or 2 at the most. That took forever To type on my iPhone lol I'm in new Orleans btw. You close to there?

Peace bro


Well-Known Member
hey homie... you makin any stops on the way bck? lol... i still got some of that arjan i.d cheif with ya... imma pm you man...


Well-Known Member
i am actually growing some GDP right now in my dresser grow but i think it is a male you can check it out in the sig... other than that i started it from seed i always use a wet paper towel put the seed in fold it up put it in a sandwich bag and put in drawer they germ almost every time ooo and i open the bag every day just for a min to let breath...i think my plant is a male and is prlly going to be ripped out in days.. Well micro i loved your last grow and i deff subbed for this one and i am also germing some more gdp for a sick pc grow box i have also will keep you updated supped and + rep


Well-Known Member
thanks homie... just got finished cheifin some arjan with crazytrain... cant wait to hear what he post about it... didnt gt shit accomplished with seeds this weekend... prolly gonna wait till the beggining of april to get shit sorted out.... no time for anything here lately..


Well-Known Member

So as y'all know I made a pit stop and smoked a bowl of micro's arjan. Super fruity and sweet tasting. Some good stuff for sure. The purp you got for me is bomb. Thanks for the hospitality.


Well-Known Member
no prob man... we call it southern hospitality where im from.. lol.. it was def the highlight of my day man... knowing someone on a site in secrecy for a few years, then finally gettin to meet them and blow down together was awesome... like wise man, that skywalker deisel was legit as shit too... lol... how stinky is that sour d? lol... small bowl at a time man.. lol... the purp is def pretty... :) it saddens me we cant all get stoned together... we might have to plan a HUGE, secret rollitup.org party somewhere.... lol... any ideas? cfl and pc (party cup or computer) growers only... lol... or at least experience with... not neccesarily still using any of the prior, but have at least completed one grow using them... any of them... lol... us small time growers are a breed of our owwn... lol... wer.e just all a bunch of weed geeks... :)