Micro's second pc attempt. 182 watts. Arjan kush. Soil.lots of pics. Rep to who post


Well-Known Member
and you are excatly right thats the key is to find a strain you like and grow if for a long time master it then get another strain i havent do it this way i shoulda wish i still had my blue mystic and afghan kush but grow nd learn ya know.


Well-Known Member
well... i am thinking that the transpiration is normal... i still havent gotten a thermometer or humidity thing... i might borrow my buddies to check mine... just to see what its runnin... i alos think that after the next time i prune that it will help alot for better airation... im just sorta waitin for the stretch to be over and then i start trimmin whati feel needs to go... i know i will have a lot of lst to do when i get to that point... i am hoping to fill my box... my shoots are growing at about a half inch a day... so in about two weeks or so, stretching should be over... im hoping... if not, i might be fuct... lol... i guess its better to have more than enough bud compared to not having any... lol... im just really curious to see how the next few weeks are gonna go... its all a learning experience, and so far,for my second official grow, i think i am doing pretty good... as long as i am getting more bud every grow, i am progressing... i know for a fact i will get way more than i got the first grow and i have a feeling i will have an ounce easy...just how much more than that, im not sure... i wish an experienced kush grower would stop by and give me an idea at what i am working with... as far as stretch, bud structure/height... you know... things like that...

any ideas on yeild?


Well-Known Member
also pit, i am perfectly happymastering this strain... if i get bored, i can always crack a seed and bring in new genetics... i have some really good varieties ofseeds laying around... one seed you cant even get from seed banks hardly (lui), they all came outof some dank sacks of the strain they are... i have know clue as to what pollinated them, but i know what the mother is... so.. i think with what i have, i may be able to have a strain i can call my own in a few years... lol... i may call it "kush's fuck buddy"... i think that would sell nice in dispensaries across the world... lol.. a good name goes along ways... lol...


Well-Known Member
well... 3 updates to post... lemme get that... lol... ive been busy getting my micro veg box together this weekend... some heavy lst work... i switched to twisty ties and i love um...


Well-Known Member
so.. all i need now is another pc fan, and a 6500k 42 watt bulb... i still have to line it with some reflectiveness... thats usually the last thing i do... basically so i can hide the wires and what not... the box is not supa fancy, but will be perfect for a bonsai mom to take clones off of... its the same box i conducted my first pc grow in.. i gutted it for parts to build another box, which i have since given away... if i can flower in this box, i know i can veg in it... i wanted to build this so i wouldnt have to worry bout seedlings and what not... i can fit 3 or 4 party cups in it ... that will be perfect for me... i need to build or find a container for my bonsai mom that sort, narrow, and long...eliminate the party cups height... hell, i might even build a micro dwc for the veg box... whoknows... lol.. i gotta get it built first... but, its almost there... i figure by the ned of the week this box will be complete and i can go ahead and get some seeds sprouting and ready to throw in the flowering box when this round is over... i figure that will give me time to veg out theclone i am gonna pull of my friends clone i gave him while having something flowering as well...

i am gonna post piks of this boxcurrently being built and a pik of the box setup last time... with some finetuning and revamping, this boxshould be perfect for me for what i need out of it... somewhere to keep a mother basically without having to worry about the 12/12 schedule of my flowering box...



Well-Known Member
so.. all i need now is another pc fan, and a 6500k 42 watt bulb... i still have to line it with some reflectiveness... thats usually the last thing i do... basically so i can hide the wires and what not... the box is not supa fancy, but will be perfect for a bonsai mom to take clones off of... its the same box i conducted my first pc grow in.. i gutted it for parts to build another box, which i have since given away... if i can flower in this box, i know i can veg in it... i wanted to build this so i wouldnt have to worry bout seedlings and what not... i can fit 3 or 4 party cups in it ... that will be perfect for me... i need to build or find a container for my bonsai mom that sort, narrow, and long...eliminate the party cups height... hell, i might even build a micro dwc for the veg box... whoknows... lol.. i gotta get it built first... but, its almost there... i figure by the ned of the week this box will be complete and i can go ahead and get some seeds sprouting and ready to throw in the flowering box when this round is over... i figure that will give me time to veg out theclone i am gonna pull of my friends clone i gave him while having something flowering as well...

i am gonna post piks of this boxcurrently being built and a pik of the box setup last time... with some finetuning and revamping, this boxshould be perfect for me for what i need out of it... somewhere to keep a mother basically without having to worry about the 12/12 schedule of my flowering box...
looks good man, yeah I'm wanting to try a micro dwc grow sometime but thats one where I will have to have a PH meter so it will be down the road a ways lol...


Well-Known Member
hell yeah monko.. i just figure it may be easier keeping my mother plant in a dwc setup... i.ll be able to trim the roots alot easier going dwc.. root trimming is one key element to bonsai...


Well-Known Member
as far as ph meter... never used one... i may try to see how far i will go without ever having to buy one... sorta like the thermometer thing... if i can get it down by "feel" and reading the plants without using "equipment" to tell me whats up, i feel it makes me a better grower...


Well-Known Member
Late as hell, but im here, subscribed lol.

Shit is lookin proper, i didnt even kno you had anything going! Good to kno you're still at it :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
im always up to somethiing... whether impostin or not... thanks for lookin homie... just trying to further my growing knowledge... and get a decent amount of smoke out of it as well...


Well-Known Member
yup... its that addiction called growing... and the feds are worried about people smoking weed... this shit here (growing), is way more addictive... i would groweven if i couldnt smoke anymore... god forbid that ever happen... lol...


Well-Known Member
well fellas... after a busy dayon riu, im out for the night... i will try to have a videoand pik update for tomorrow... i.ll see how its lookin... i just found out my homie bought me a remote thermometer and humidity checker thing... he said i can check it with out having to open the box... hell... he said i can check it from100 feet away if i wanted... i.ll be gettin that tonight or tomorrow from him...


Well-Known Member
well fellas... after a busy dayon riu, im out for the night... i will try to have a videoand pik update for tomorrow... i.ll see how its lookin... i just found out my homie bought me a remote thermometer and humidity checker thing... he said i can check it with out having to open the box... hell... he said i can check it from100 feet away if i wanted... i.ll be gettin that tonight or tomorrow from him...
Thats good man at least you will know what your temps and humidity is running now :), thats always a good thing lol..