microwave curing?!?!


Well-Known Member
can you cure your buds in the microwave or is that considered "the devils work"?


Well-Known Member
Devils work . . . you can carefully dry yourself a sample . . . a few seconds at a time with a minute between. Pops the glands.
NOT recommended, but any port in a storm, ya know.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
when im drying quick to sample i just warm up my oven put it in my wood en bowl for about an hour or two.


Well-Known Member
Whats the point, if you don't buy expensive ass seeds they just gonna hermie anyways. If not it'll be a male. Sry buy the microwave will stink foul ball no good. go with the oven if u gotta go that route.


Agree with nuking only for samples. Works fine for some small testing. I do 30% to 50% power a minute at a time till it feels a bit brittle or crunchy. My experience is that I lose flavor and potency with nuking. You'll just get a taste of what the potency and type of buzz will be like, but the well cured product will be fantastically more enjoyable. As I've posted on another thread, if you can wait a little longer you can use anairtight container and a strong dessicant like DriRite. You'll preserve your taste and potency and it'll pull the h20 out much quicker than the typical cure and it sure won't a bit of thc (unlike the microwave).

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Exactly, just for samples. I start at the lowest setting and I work in increments of 7-8 seconds. Avoid steam/smoke/sparkles. Just get it warm and then give it 30 seconds or so to cool down.

I repeat short bursts of low power until it take take 12-14 seconds. Then I increase the power.

Just keep testing it for "snapability" and when it's dry it is done.


Well-Known Member
Proper curing takes a month. As far as I know buds CAN be force dried in a microwave - but curing is a different and slower process.