Middle of leaf green, edges yellow.

Middle of the leaf is green, edges are yellow, some are brown and dead. Other leaves have same issue except the yellowing doesnt go so far in, its just the edges and they are almost orange, some burnt. Also several "healthy" leaves curl down.

CFLS - Enough (dont need to get too technical)

Fox farms at 1/2 recomended dose, + 1tbs molasses per gal.

Any ideas whats wrong with them



Active Member
Middle of the leaf is green, edges are yellow, some are brown and dead. Other leaves have same issue except the yellowing doesnt go so far in, its just the edges and they are almost orange, some burnt. Also several "healthy" leaves curl down.

CFLS - Enough (dont need to get too technical)

Fox farms at 1/2 recomended dose, + 1tbs molasses per gal.

Any ideas whats wrong with them
Hi, Are you growing in soil or Hydro? If Soil, are you feeding every watering? The pic looks a bit like a few things: over fertilization, Sulpher deficiency and roots too wet too long possibly. Do you know what the pH of your soil or nutrient solution is? Too low a pH and nutes can get locked out, roots can't suck them up. Similarly, if you are feeding every watering there may be a build up of nutrient salts in the soil, which may be connected to the pH issue as well. Lastly is frequency of watering.
In soil you want to dry the 'root zone' out half way each time between waterings. Root zone being however deep your roots have grown. This is not the same as drying the top of the soil or drying the entire pot half way out. The big idea being you don't want your roots or root crown to rot so you need to create a simulated drought between waterings. This pattern encourages the plant to want to make flowers big time. A good water meter can help you get the picture below the surface really well.
Constantly wet roots tell the plant that there is plentiful water and no drought coming & no real burning need to make flowers that would contain seeds to get through the drought....see? At best you get wispy small buds. At worst you drown & rot the roots which can lead your plant to look a bit like the leaf in the pic.
Remedies: get a pH meter and check things (the soil or your nutrient solution) often, In SOILS, DO NOT feed EVERY watering regardless of mfg. instructions, if over feeding is suspected FLUSH with H2O, 3 times the volume of the container. Then irrigate as recommended above with plain water, watching for new leaves to look healthy and using a water meter to accurately determine how wet your roots really are. And finally the molasses thing.
I'd suggest using the 'sugar' towards the end of the flowering in soils instead of every time if that's what your doing. Even though it can 'feed' the beneficial microbes in soils which increases the release of nutrients from the soil. It can also, in an abundance, feed molds and other root wreckers. You can get great buds with just organic fertilizer, nothing else. I wouldn't use molasses in hydro at all. It will attract molds that'll eat your roots.
OK hope this helps a bit, Happy Gardening, GrowIT!


Yes soil, gets nutes every other watering, (and when it does get nutes it gets 1/2 the recomended dose), Gets watered about every 5-7 days, I dont think flushing is the answer. perhaps water less, and add some sodium carbonate the next time they are watered?

No ph testing has been done, its also unlikely that ph testing would be done in the future.


Active Member
Yes soil, gets nutes every other watering, (and when it does get nutes it gets 1/2 the recomended dose), Gets watered about every 5-7 days, I dont think flushing is the answer. perhaps water less, and add some sodium carbonate the next time they are watered?

No ph testing has been done, its also unlikely that ph testing would be done in the future.
Yeah, with CFL's you don't get the huge uptake of H2O so it could be they're staying a bit wet. Try adding a little Dolomite Lime. A little. Good Luck eh! GrowIT!:weed:


Well-Known Member
You stated you alternate water/feed every 5-7 days, and every feeding is at 50% strength.

Without pictures of the plants and more information, it will be difficult to diagnose your plants. But let me throw something out there for you to consider.

If you are using tap water, it is probably above 7 ph, but nutes have ph buffers to bring it down in range. But at half strength it may still be too high. You ARE suffering from deficiencies, but I cannot determine if it is lockout from too high ph, or the fact that they are getting so little nutes. When I started growing in soil, I was told to nute-water-nute-water with full strength nutes, to flush any salt build up, OR feed a lower strength mix EVERY feeding. I went with 80% strength every feeding and things went GREAT! If you ever get some funky leaves doing it this way, just do a quick flush and resume your normal schedule.

Kick up the concentration to 80%-100% strength and this should correct your ph, If this starts to burn your plants, just back off a little bit at a time. I personally would rather have a nice healthy plant with a bit of burn, than one that is begging for food.

bongsmilie Good Luck! I hope this helps. + rep

BTW.... if you dont need watering but every 5-7 days, you might want to add more perlite next run to decrease the water retention.