Perhaps off-topic-

long ramble, do-not-read. [TL/DR]
Remember when a buncha tshirts n coffee mugs were gettin snagged going thru Chicago for several years? that was a turning-point for me!
The last order I've ever made from overseas (from the tude) happened to get the dreaded green-tape from Customs and my beans were gone. Even though the
seeds were insured for no-charge replacements, i still said, Fk-it and just discontinued anymore overseas purchases. Insurance was an xtra 20$ and I paid it but didn't want anymore hassle. So that order was over 300$ that i sacrificed, knowing that American Seedbanks would simply be an easier choice and likely with less liability on my end.
ALL 'banks' have to keep uppin their game and provide impeccable customer service to retain business. A company from outside of the u.s., especially, has to standout and get completely behind their products to compete (now) with any of the american companies. How times have changed for foreign seedbanks; We're no longer at the mercy of Marc Emery or The Attitude.
If I have a problem, they/whomever (generally) needs to reimburse or replace imo. And I only mean, within reason and with certain guidelines to also protect the seedbank some, as well as, the customer. Then, they can take it up with their suppliers of beans, aka the breeders, if they believe it was a bad batch. The banks figure it out from complaints if the beans were good or not, that's part of their job. I'm assuming that they are properly maintaining inventory conditions on their end.
Basically- I'm not dropping a few hundo here and there, to not be satisfied one hunnit percent. .o2