Midweek Song

[QUOTEI feel like your pack coming anyday"testiclees, post: 12425254, member: 833866"]My MWS order has been in ISC ny for nearly two weeks, no movement. First time Ive had that happen[/QUOTE]
Hey t i
Me too for life! I go over the moon when ANY of my gear arrives! I am totally thankful as I sure all of us are. Still hoping Testes gets his
I appreciate your concern AC. My stuff has not moved from ISC ny since beginning of the month. It sucks double because it was kind of a splurge. I usually just grab beans one or two at a time. And like i said its the first time ive had issues with intl shipping.
Honestly I feel like they will arrive. OK so I tracked my mws too. It said pack was still at the west coast customs. It never said it had been shipped to AK. For like a week it said it was still there. Then on the 6th day it arrived! It never said it was on it's way to AK. Honestly I feel like it will come
I haven't had issues with the east coast. My slow ones have been due to the Chicago ITC, NY ITC ones have been clearing from hours to 3 days for me, chicago ITC had my package for 10 days, then proceeded (in tracking) and came without any issue.
Testi, my order made it to NY in 1 day,sat in customs for 5, then shipped across the country and now back in NY.I should have my beans Monday probably. First order I had made it threw customs only to be lost just an hour from me and never showed up but lewis took care of me.lewis proved to me that midweeksong is a legit company and I'll be continuing to use them.
Have rec'd 3 orders from MWS. All arrived in about 2 weeks. 2 in tins. 1 in a hat from DP due to a promotion. Paid for the insurance twice on the larger orders. Have so many 3 bees right now I don't know what to do with them. I'm a reg beans type and have zero experience with femmes or autos. So will soon be experienced with them.

Lewis is a great communicator and very helpful. Stand up company IMO. Keep up the great work!!!