Midwest Medical Grow - Soil & Indoor


New Member

*vanilla kush has started growing again!

Two 26 day old Sweet tooth are pictured in the green pots.

The new babie Sweet Tooth.

*Lemon skunk showing its sativa traits - all growth is healthy. - Lemon Skunk in back - 25 Day old sweet tooth front:


*Bag seed looking okay lol

*The Easyrider died.

*nothing new has popped




New Member
More Pics DNA lemon skunk about day 21ish from seed


An overview, front center is sweet tooth in the green pot

Here is the bagseed of the same age

Woot I found out how to put the pics in my post so I can comment on em lol!


New Member
some of your plants look a lil streched, try and get more light on the sides of them or bring your light closer!!
hey thanks for your feedback man, yea im gunna adds some cfs hanging from ceilin but the stretch is mainly from when they where young under only cfl also I think superthrive contributed to some stretch..maybe ill just stack em up on some books for now, the only plants that are stretch is the bagseed and lemon skunk


Well-Known Member
Hey deprave nice grow man. The pics are kinda hard to look at though. Some of the plants look like they have been effected by the MG soil. Can you get some FF Ocean Forest. Also I don't think the superthrive has anything to do with stretching. Me and my grow friends have used it sense our plants were little with no stretch must be a light issue. I think the cfl's will help with that. Anyway just stopped by read ur journal and thought I would chime in a little. Looking good.


New Member
Hey deprave nice grow man. The pics are kinda hard to look at though. Some of the plants look like they have been effected by the MG soil. Can you get some FF Ocean Forest. Also I don't think the superthrive has anything to do with stretching. Me and my grow friends have used it sense our plants were little with no stretch must be a light issue. I think the cfl's will help with that. Anyway just stopped by read ur journal and thought I would chime in a little. Looking good.
hey nice thanks alot for stopping by...yea I am using fox form ocean forest its only the two sweet tooth in green pots are in 30% Perlite, 70% MG ORGANIC, with a handfull of dolomite lime...All the rest of the plants are in pure fox farm ocean forest with a little lime...The fox farm is actually much better stuff really awesome I agree but its actually my fox farm plants that are having the minor problems and the mg plants are my strongest right now (although they are older)...but Yeah I am definitly using fox farm ocean forest from now on its awesome....

Anyway guys its been about 4 days since and Update and I been away from the growop, in about 30 minutes I will see them for the first time in 4 days so we can see whats going on...Update will be tonite or tommorow


Well-Known Member
Cool man I did miss a few things about your grow. Ya know there is some real good growers on riu that swear by MG I wonder why it's good for some and not for others. I only brought it up because I almost lost a master kush seedling due to MG. She was stunted forever but I kept her and now she's about to put out. Plus rep on your pos attitude when receiving advice.


Active Member
everything is looking pretty good bro!!!! its good to hear you going to add more lights, ytour plants will love you for it!!!


New Member
hey guys Im intoxicated right now celebrating the holiday so update is a delayed a little bit, I snapped some pics today and tommorow i will have an intimate day with plants so more pics from there...Just want to mention my new buddy hes a bigass spider and hes really nice so hopefully he will kill some bugs for me, pics of him and the plants soon one love


New Member
Day 31 Update

IMAGE_548.jpg30 Day old Sweet tooth Plant has increased in overall size and foilage substanstially

IMAGE_537.jpgThis is an overview of all 6 plants - Plants range in age from 2 weeks to 4 weeks. Front is is a young sweet tooth plant, Green pots are the 30 day old sweet tooth, center black pot is lemon skunk, the two black pots in the back are from left to right Vanilla kush and bagseed.

IMAGE_545.jpgThis 30 day old sweet tooth plant from undernearth, its stalk has grown like this by itself and we just let it go like that.

IMAGE_539.jpgThe other 30 day old sweet tooth from abvoe, this pot is 12" in diamater.

IMAGE_541.jpgThis is the bagseed plant. it is a strain local to area.

IMAGE_538.jpgThe 30 Day old sweet tooth from underneath, this is the one that takes up the full 12" diameter of the pot, you can see new nodes forming, this is going to be one bushy plant!

IMAGE_550.jpgHere the lemon skunk is pictured at roughly 24 days old, The nute burn has stopped and it continues to grow however the new leavs look kind of glossy not sure what this could be yet, let hope it goes away.

IMAGE_549.jpgAnother shot of our bushy sweet tooth at 30 days old.

IMAGE_546.jpgA view of the other 30 day old sweet tooth plant.

IMAGE_544.jpgAnother shot of a 30 day old sweet tooth plant

IMAGE_540.jpgA view of the lemon skunk at rougly 24 days old you can see my new guard the little spider pictured on the thermometer left side.

IMAGE_543.jpgThe youngest sweet tooth of all rougly 15 days old.

IMAGE_542.jpgThe vanilla kush has made quite the recovery!

And Finally one last pic of a day 30 sweet tooth!



New Member
Hey guys its been kind of rainy lately so we went ahead and installed the de-humidifier because the humidity has not dropped below 70 in some time, We set the de-humidifier unit on 55%, It is thought that this could help the temps out to get a bit lower also.

Soon we will be germinating: Wembley from pyramid seeds (AK47xBubblegum), NL #5 from pyramid Seeds, Great White shark , Coletrain from Reserva Privada, and two other strains I cant remember the names offhand I think one is AK47 crossed with something. We have clones from cali soon OG Kush and some others also.

Flowering on some plants will begin in 1 to 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
yeah vanilla kush!@ holdin on for the win! : D . thats what im watching , i dont care if it takes a year ... i wanna see those buds !



New Member
Ok guys we got a lot going on, Didn't have my camera with me today.

We built a new intake for the air because we have decided to get an AC and that will go in the window, the new intake is a large wooden box with bug screens on the side for air to pass thru (a light trap)...shopped around at the hydro store looking at fans for our extra exhaust we are going to be installing and they seem a bit over priced (like 200$ vs the 30$ home depot ones we are using now so...) We definitly want to get something better than the "500 CFM" one but 200$ is way to much we are going to shop around a bit more.

NL#5, Rockalock, Wembley, and one other strain is now germinating (sorry name slips my mind right now its either coletrain or great white shark)...

Also it seems we have two of these little black hairy jumping spider have taken up home underneath the plants stand we have identified them as
Bold Jumping Spider - Phidippus audax, commonly found in houses and gardens hunting insects, sexcellent, so we are going to let them live hopefully they find some good foods, there is one male and one female so maybe they will make sexy time


New Member
Hey guys FDD changed the thread title for me if you lost me , I made it something more simple since we are constantly adapting in this grow.

Ok guys going to be picking up an AC tommorow need to know what you think, We are not going to do the window AC instead we are going portable. We found one for 300$ its 9,000 BTU - De-Humidifier - and Carbon filter all-in-one unit, let me know what you guys think, will this be good enough please please:

Stay cool and breathe fresher air with our WA-9020E. Enjoy many cool and comfortable summers with this air conditioner unit. Cooling, dehumidifying and fan features all in one. Powered by 9,000 BTU cooling capacity, it ideally cools an area up to 250 sq.ft. Uses new UL required LCDI (Leakage-Current Detection and Interruption) plug. Self-Evaporating Technology - during the cooling process, water is extracted from the air into the unit. Most of this water is then recycled and used to cool the cooling coils and make it run more efficiently, cooling as well as energy.
  • 9,000 BTU cooling power
  • Self evaporating system
  • Digital temperature display
  • 2 fan speeds
  • LCDI plug
  • Fire resistant PVC plastic housing
  • Removes moisture for personal comfort (dehumidifier functions automatically in AC mode)
  • Activated carbon filter helps remove odor
  • Washable air filter collects dust particles
  • Casters for easy mobility
  • Digital thermostat with remote control
  • Choice of programmable timer or continuous operation
  • Preset timer available, up to 12 hours
  • Amperage (amps) : 8.15 A
  • Assembled Depth (in.) : 16 in
  • Assembled Height (in.) : 30 in
  • Assembled Width (in.) : 16 in
  • BTU Heat Rating : 0 Btu/h
  • Control Type : Digital
  • Energy Star Compliant : No
  • Item Weight : 63 lb


New Member
Ok going to get the AC in a few hours most likely the place is a sweat box, 9:49 am but I guees thats just cause I was working in there for awhile, its 85F..I cleaned up real good and disinfected everything.

All of the seeds germinated, I used the cup of water method and it worked out really well, this is now my go to germ method. I planted all four in fox farm ocean forest 16oz party cups I hope its not to strong but hell lets give it a go. The fourth strain btw is WHITE RUSSIAN (wasn't even close on the shark guesses lol...So we have NL#5, Wembley, White Russian, and Rockalock now under cfls..I watered them in with superthrived water.

so yeah the entire room smells like a fat sack of kush nugs already, you cant smell it till you open the door however....Official update with pics and stuff tonite..It seems the official date for flowering lights is now going to be this tuesday, It looks like possible pre-flowers on the largest sweet tooth but I could just be imagining things. In width it has grown over the pot and the bottom branches one of them is kind of laying on the ground so I think I might use it for a cutting.