Might be a stupid question this!?


Well-Known Member
If my girls are on an 18/6 at the moment and the lights came on at 7am and was supposed to go off at 1am that night, and i needed to change the time around so that they go off at 7pm and come on at 1am, could i do it all in the same day without disturbing them? Bit confusing i no ! Thanks everyone


Global Moderator
Staff member
Just allow the lights to stay off until your new "lights on" time.
You could do this gradually, however I've not seen any real benefits to the "Sneak up on it" style.

Oh, and welcome to RIU.


Well-Known Member
If my girls are on an 18/6 at the moment and the lights came on at 7am and was supposed to go off at 1am that night, and i needed to change the time around so that they go off at 7pm and come on at 1am, could i do it all in the same day without disturbing them? Bit confusing i no ! Thanks everyone
Not a stupid question at all. I usually let the initial light cycle finish and when the lights turn off then I adjust it for the one I really want.