Might start a Guerrilla Grow (First time)

So I have some ravines in my neighbourhood that are rarely visited. I can't seem to get weed off a dealer, and growing has always interested me. I want to start a Guerrilla grow, but idk where to start, and I would like some questions answered.

From where do I get seeds? Can I get them online without a hassle?

Can I plant my seeds outside, or do I have to grow them a little before planting them outside? I'd much rather just be able to dig a hole, pluck a seed in there, water it occasionally, etc.

Do I have to use different methods of taking care of my plants depending on the time of year?

What type of seeds are the best for Guerrilla Growing?

Thanks guys.


Staff member
all these questions have been answered many many times over for years on end.
top right youll see a search bar.
its better to feed yourself the information ,that way you can teach yourself good research methods and information
we've been around since 2006. theres a wealth of information for you to find on our website, use it. :)

here is some good information on Ggrowing https://www.rollitup.org/t/guerrilla-guide.399274/

for seed information please go to our seedbank review area where you can find all you need too know: https://www.rollitup.org/f/seedbank-reviews.88/


Well-Known Member
Type in "how to guerilla grow" and Google search. Lots of info. You will have to sift thru this and that. Some guy will say do this. Some say do that. It's a plant like any other. Give it sun, soil, and water. Nature will take it from there. Nature may beat the shit out of it or be kind and give you a monster. There are lots of things you can do to improve your odds. Those things will be a personal preference. Bought soil or natural. In a pot or in the ground. Chemical or organic nutes. Etc. Etc.
Bought my seeds online. Sent cash. Got seeds about 2 weeks after I stuck payment in my mailbox. I could have gotten ripped off easy. I didn't.


Well-Known Member
Dealers are already shady people... If they won't serve you then you must be super sketchy or a kid... Hmmm