

New Member
My wife gets these pretty severe sometimes.. is there a strain that would help relieve some of the pain and nausea? I heard AK47 is good for this is this true and or any others?


Active Member
I've had bad migraines for years. Weed almost always makes it worse. If u want to help your wife get her imitrex self injector. Sumatriptan succinate injection is generic. Head ache gone in minutes. Saved my life. Migraines suck!


Active Member
I have had migraines for years also! They suck. The medicine I use is called Axert works at the onset of the migraine. For me MMJ does not work for me at the onset or during the migraine. I have an MMJ Authorization because of the Chronic pain from the migraines. I use MMJ once the migraine subsides and the "hangover effect" kicks in. The migraine can linger around for a long time and using MMJ during this time really helps me out big time!! If I don't smoke my MMJ during this time then the migraine will usually come back. FUCK Migraines! You haven't had a headache till you've had a Migraine!


Well-Known Member
I have had migraines for years also! They suck. The medicine I use is called Axert works at the onset of the migraine. For me MMJ does not work for me at the onset or during the migraine. I have an MMJ Authorization because of the Chronic pain from the migraines. I use MMJ once the migraine subsides and the "hangover effect" kicks in. The migraine can linger around for a long time and using MMJ during this time really helps me out big time!! If I don't smoke my MMJ during this time then the migraine will usually come back. FUCK Migraines! You haven't had a headache till you've had a Migraine!
I feel for you, my girlfriend gets blinking lights and tunnel vision, weed does not help her, i feel helpless when she is sick, YES THEY DO SUCK


Well-Known Member
Hi Tony. I've had hypoglycemia for almost 15 yrs now. So when my blood sugar bottoms out....on comes the migraine :*( I've personally never felt ny better after blazing when I had a migraine onset. I'm growing some mystery bud atm so hopefully I can try some sativa and some indica out. Worst case tho, cold rag and OTC drugs. I'm definately interested in the replies tho concerning cannabis with calming effects on migraines. Will check back l8r ;)


Active Member
I feel for you, my girlfriend gets blinking lights and tunnel vision, weed does not help her, i feel helpless when she is sick, YES THEY DO SUCK
Thanks bro! I'm sure my wife has felt your helplessness also. I've literally been laying in bed moaning and groaning from the pain of a migraine. She has wanted to take me to the ER numerous times. I never let her though! My migraines suck because for the most part they happen when I am sleeping. Really sucks waking from a deep sleep at 3am with a full blown migraine! So far I haven't met anyone else waking up with migraines. Some of, if not the most intense pain I've felt! Yeah I know what your girlfriend sees. It's like a dam light show in your head that ain't cool to see!


Active Member
Hi Tony. I've had hypoglycemia for almost 15 yrs now. So when my blood sugar bottoms out....on comes the migraine :*( I've personally never felt ny better after blazing when I had a migraine onset. I'm growing some mystery bud atm so hopefully I can try some sativa and some indica out. Worst case tho, cold rag and OTC drugs. I'm definately interested in the replies tho concerning cannabis with calming effects on migraines. Will check back l8r ;)
Yes a cold rag really helps me also! First thing my wife gets for me is a cold rag when a migraine hits!


Well-Known Member
i get awful migraines that last days. i have to take pills. i also have a neurologist that helps me but often times nothing stops the pain, things can help a little but rarely can they wipe it out. ive been taking these powerful prescription NSAIDS that can wipe out a migraine pretty quickly but i can't take them very often so many times i suffer with the pain. darkness helps and staying very still.


Active Member
Cronicdoom, you have to try the imitrex shot. Its almost like what they give u in emer room. Just push the button,it shots u in the leg, headache gone in minutes. For me, once I knew I could make them go away I don't get them as often anymore . Before the shots I felt like dying. Hope they help you. Migraines suck!


Active Member
Hey Minnesotagreen! Thanks for the info! I'll definitley research that and ask my Dr. About it! Funny story my dr. Seen that the clinic I went to to get the MMJ Auth was requesting my records regarding migraines. I told him it was for MMJ. He asked if that was a good thing. I was thinking he was gonna lecture me on using MMJ. Nope. He wanted to know if it was a good thing for him to get into as far as writing authorization for people. Lol I told him that the clinic I received my auth from was busy as hell! Phone ringing off the hook and about 20 people there while I was there! He said he'd look into it. I swear I have the coolest dr. I've ever had! He's actually the first one I had that diagnosed the migraines. Others were useless till him! Just felt like sharing that little story. Thanks again for the info MG!


New Member
Thanks guys I am going to ask my wife to ask the docotor for the imetrex injection.. the pills sort of work for her but not quickly and effectively enough. The injection is better then taking it orally?


Well-Known Member
My wife gets these pretty severe sometimes.. is there a strain that would help relieve some of the pain and nausea? I heard AK47 is good for this is this true and or any others?
Been a sufferer of migraines for over 20 years and a smoker for most of that i wish i could say that i have found a strain that even touched the pain caused by migraine. I personaly dont think it would make a difference. Pretty much most migraine cant be touched by any painkiller because it is caused (not always) by a chemical imbalance which means it can be helped to prevent but once one has started you cant do much other than let them run their course.
One thing though is i live in the uk and dont have the available weed to pick and choose a strain, i just get what is available. So maybe, hopefully there is a particular strain that could help. It also depends on what type of migraine and what triggers the migraine, many thousands of migraine sufferers are misdiagnosed because there are many types of headaches which present the same symptoms, cluster headaches are one example, very similar in symptoms but entirely different in treatment, as far as im aware cluster headaches can be helped with painkillers so i would imagine could be helped by straines of MJ that give best pain relief. There are many more types of headache which are also misdiagnosed as migraine, doctors know so little about the causes and treatment that they often dont know what sort of headache a patient is getting until they find a drug which helps, then they realise what they are dealing with.
I can honestly say that even morphine doesnt stop my pain when i have a migraine. The only thing i can truly say works as strange as it may sound is masterbating, this releases chemicals in the brain which makes the muscles relax and for some reason that can totaly get rid of a migraine. As you can imagine i dont go around telling people this because its a bit personal, however knowing how much migraine has affected my life i just think everyone who suffers from migraine should know this because if it does help then its worth it. Seriously if someone had said to me when i was 15y/o that chopping off my leg would mean i never had another migraine i would of done it because they really are soul distroying.

Anyway if you want to pass this info onto the misses thats up to you. Do a google search, you should find plenty of people to support what im saying.
Hope you find someway of reducing the migraines!


Active Member
I get cluster headaches and the only thing that gets rid of them is pure oxygen from an oxygen concentrator. I want to blow my brains out when i get the headaches.