Mildew, Downey or Powdery...let's talk.


Well-Known Member
I have three strains going at the moment... two are advertised as mold and fungus resistant. One was an LA Woman clone i popped in there two weeks ago. I experimented on this plant a bit. It went through much stress.. at some point during the grow I could've sworn i saw some white spotting that i thought had been from a falling ash ( i smoke sometimes while tending to my babies)
Long story short... It seemed as if it went away.
Today i noticed that a few more leaves had some white spots on them... Did some research and came to the conclusion of Downy mildew. Cold conditions, a bit too much N, underwatering, and a probable humidity problem at night.
Now i'm not sure but I'm about 75 percent.
I've read remedies to get rid of it .... but really. Ditch this plant??? or do should i take the proper precautions and try and salvage it.
From what i understand, once infected there's no getting rid of the problem unless temps and humidity are optimal...
...well summertime is a bitch for me ... so any suggestions. reps for help.
If this thread continues to morning i'll post some pics of the lone spot left.


Well-Known Member
It depends on the condition of the plant and how much you care about it, if you're considering tossing her...if you have no other choice and can't fix the cause, you can throw it out...but it may occur with the other plants as well(can't believe EVERYTHING you read online), so you should get the humidity and temps figured out whether you toss her or not...GL Ataxia!



Well-Known Member
It depends on the condition of the plant and how much you care about it, if you're considering tossing her...if you have no other choice and can't fix the cause, you can throw it out...but it may occur with the other plants as well(can't believe EVERYTHING you read online), so you should get the humidity and temps figured out whether you toss her or not...GL Ataxia!

Logical answer Bob ... I'm not sure what i want to do yet. It seems like spots only pop up when all my pots are freshly watered and the tent has been closed all night. I'm basically creating the conditions for it to thrive in. My other option is to treat the problem, and on nights that the humidity goes up. Throw her in another room. But then again. I just hope i don't infect the whole house....... She's a beautiful one though... I'll post pics in this thread in time


Well-Known Member
once you have pm... you cant get rid of it...unless you start over from scratch....i thought i had strains that were pm resistant ..I was wrong there aren't any

PM is systemic its inside the plant....under normal conditions you wont see it until your in flower..if your seeing it in veg your screwed.

You can try all the remidies...sulfur, h202, milk, neem oil, greencure..... it doesnt matter... PM will come back and repeat treaments every week are nessary

I live in washington and been batteling PM for 2 yrs


Well-Known Member
Finding a organic fungicide could solve your problem with repeated treatment. I purchased one of these with a high garlic content, stunk to high heaven but it worked. The first time, it came back, it took three more treatments but didn't resurface again. My PM surfaced at the beginning of flower.

Use a teaspoon of dishsoap per gallon of water if you're making a spray (Quart spray bottle, 1/4 teaspoon). Its gonna help it stick to the plant better, I didn't use the soap as a spreader sticker the first time around. I'm still unsure if I saw better results because of it, or if the repeated treatment is why it worked better. Anyway, spray every square inch of that plant then water with a mix of that fungicide as well. I tested part of a branch after application and the plant did absorb the fungicide.

Idk man, of course its not guaranteed, but its what I did with success. Hope you come out on top.


Well-Known Member
Remember PM is Systemic.....It is inside your plant..... no topical treatment will cure or totaly remove the pm... it will only help you control pm

1 spore anywhere in your grow area... on a light... on your wall... thats all it takes to get it ...if your roses or garden has it... you can transport it with you

By the time you are seeing the white power its to late... its been inside your plant for a few weeks.... the white power is actualy the PM reproducing sending more spores into the air

There is only 1 systemic herbicide that works pretty good.... kills the PM from the inside of the plant....Eagle 20 EW

I'm a licensed commercial herbicide applicator for the state of Washington.....I deal with alot of chemicals bros



Well crap!...I think I have the same problem...noticed yesterday a bit of white powdery stuff around the base of the stem and a few spots further up on one of our plants, The plant is a clone about 10 wks. old and appx. 14" so far all the others look clean and we moved the plant in question away from the others. Don't know if it's relevant but they're in an outdoor shed that is well sealed but has a dirt floor. Does look like a few suggs. here are worth trying out THANKS..great site!!


Well-Known Member
once you have pm... you cant get rid of it...unless you start over from scratch....i thought i had strains that were pm resistant ..I was wrong there aren't any

PM is systemic its inside the plant....under normal conditions you wont see it until your in flower..if your seeing it in veg your screwed.

You can try all the remidies...sulfur, h202, milk, neem oil, greencure..... it doesnt matter... PM will come back and repeat treaments every week are nessary

I live in washington and been batteling PM for 2 yrs
I have read the same everywhere about PM or Downy midew.. fuck...hmmm

Finding a organic fungicide could solve your problem with repeated treatment. I purchased one of these with a high garlic content, stunk to high heaven but it worked. The first time, it came back, it took three more treatments but didn't resurface again. My PM surfaced at the beginning of flower.

Use a teaspoon of dishsoap per gallon of water if you're making a spray (Quart spray bottle, 1/4 teaspoon). Its gonna help it stick to the plant better, I didn't use the soap as a spreader sticker the first time around. I'm still unsure if I saw better results because of it, or if the repeated treatment is why it worked better. Anyway, spray every square inch of that plant then water with a mix of that fungicide as well. I tested part of a branch after application and the plant did absorb the fungicide.

Idk man, of course its not guaranteed, but its what I did with success. Hope you come out on top.
Thanks Grizz ... you helped me a bit with some leafhoppers on my last plants .... you're the riu guru of plant problems

Remember PM is Systemic.....It is inside your plant..... no topical treatment will cure or totaly remove the pm... it will only help you control pm

1 spore anywhere in your grow area... on a light... on your wall... thats all it takes to get it ...if your roses or garden has it... you can transport it with you

By the time you are seeing the white power its to late... its been inside your plant for a few weeks.... the white power is actualy the PM reproducing sending more spores into the air

There is only 1 systemic herbicide that works pretty good.... kills the PM from the inside of the plant....Eagle 20 EW

I'm a licensed commercial herbicide applicator for the state of Washington.....I deal with alot of chemicals bros

Colo .... this is great info man ... I'll look for these products ... or at the least find one that has the same ingredients in it. Info from a licensed herbicide applicator has got to be good advice ....... REP TO ALL so far... i promise to post a pic.... it's showing no spots today ...but i'll decide by the end of the day what to do with this plant.
THANKS FOR MAKING THIS THREAD ABOUT MILDEW MORE THAN 5 responses long! got some good info in here.


Well-Known Member
911....use hydrogen peroxide the store bought 3% h202...its like .99 cents a bottle ....add 1/4 cup of the h202 to a 32oz spray bottle.... then fill with the spray bottle the rest of the way with water.....this will knock down your PM on contact and it raises your plants ph level for a few days ....great if your in flower


Well-Known Member
911....use hydrogen peroxide the store bought 3% h202...its like .99 cents a bottle ....add 1/4 cup of the h202 to a 32oz spray bottle.... then fill with the spray bottle the rest of the way with water.....this will knock down your PM on contact and it raises your plants ph level for a few days ....great if your in flower
great tip ... i'd rep you again if i could.


Well-Known Member
so yes i have PM ... I chopped a plant today and found a spots on my buds that looked like they had WAY TOO MANY trichs ... fuck me man. An yway i got rid of the infected buds,
My question is ... is ok to keep them in the same drying box ...or will it spread to an uninfected one?? HELP.


Well-Known Member
*Sigh* Check out my journal everything was going good till i saw this.... I used colos remedy hopefully it works i keep hearing mixed reviews on if you can smoke PM buds. Alot of people just say fuck it and smoke em and i think i mite do that since this is my first harvest and i love my Purple GB so much


Well-Known Member
*Sigh* Check out my journal everything was going good till i saw this.... I used colos remedy hopefully it works i keep hearing mixed reviews on if you can smoke PM buds. Alot of people just say fuck it and smoke em and i think i mite do that since this is my first harvest and i love my Purple GB so much
have you harvested them yet... if not try the peroxide trick. It kills it on contact ... and as colonuggs suggested it's ok to use during flowering. It looks like your pretty far ahead into flowering.
it seems like you have the product that works though, i would say spray the buds...if it's ok to do.


Well-Known Member
I picked up some Green cure and people say its fine to spray on Buds. I sprayed 2 times and there is still a sign of PM on a few smaller bud sites. Its hard to get EVERY inch of the plant but im trying
I used a similar trick on my girls 2 days ago. I sprayed them with BAKING SODA AND WATER in order to raise the pH of the plants. I read you should raise the pH to 7.0 so the mildew can not grow. The spray left a coat of powder (sodium?) from the baking soda all over. I had to spray with water and clean them for hours the next day. At the same time I noticed yellow spots everywhere! And my light rail broke! what a weekend.. anyway ..

Does anyone know if the yellow spots are due to the spray/pH level or is it a separate problem I should worry about??

Also, even though I am in my 3rd week of flowering I gave the girls 24 hours of light and got more fresh air in the room. The intense heat is supposed to help kill the mildew too. I finally got my humidity down in 40's so the girls are much happier now and are back on 12/12. Also I trimmed like crazy to remove as much mildew as possible BEFORE spraying.
