Millionaire ron paul flies first class on your tax dollars

you beat me to it.

if you truly want indignant outrage, look up cal-cruz hatcheries and how they deal with baby chicks. or don't. it made me want to start killing their employees.

the only thing i can do is exactly what i'm doing: raise my own hens and buy only local, humane poultry.

i feel for the pro lifers who have feelings about abortion like i do about cal-cruz hatcheries, but i can only control what i can control, and they can only control what they can control. all the laws in the world will not stop hatcheries from discarding baby chicks, just like all the laws in the world will not stop abortions.

life is cruel.

Brought to you by Carls. Jr.
So, by your logic, using the government to enforce your personal belief on all American's doesn't move your scale toward "Authoritarian?"
Well I guees your right it would move you right and twoard authoritarianism now that you put it that way. You didn't write 'using the government' before.
Brought to you by Carls. Jr.

i will never be eating there again.

have you ever driven the I-5 through california? you will see tons of happy cows.

then, just north of the coalinga exit, you will see a massive farm filled with unhappy cows. that's where mcdonalds gets much of its beef from.

i hate myself whenever i get mcdonald's for that reason.
Well I guees your right it would move you right and twoard authoritarianism now that you put it that way. You didn't write 'using the government' before.

Lol I thought implying it by saying "Nobody should be allowed to do it either" was good enough.
hmm well again for me its a fringe issue and also something I am more on the fence about..abortion...both sides make good points..anyway..yea we have had this discussion 50 times now..I think the best pro-life argument is the silver rule...and the golden unto others..very ancient idea that many philosophers said societies couldn't function without..and Roe V Wade was unconstitutional and of course I am not a moron and I realize people need abortions and that the right wing love this scam cause its all about legislating morality but idk...I really don't think its that important and it would never sway my vote unless we lived in some sort of utopia and then it will be important but I feel there is much bigger problems at the core that need to addressed first.

It is essentially a non-issue. Sure Carne picked us out some lovely little stories but those are rare compared to the people that are suffering over other issues and the hardships they go through...
60% of congress members are more frugal than ronald the millionaire when it comes to spending our money to stretch their legs in first class.

a fellow ron paul supporter of yours pointed this out, so don't be mad.

Do those 60% give back a hundred grand plus of their yearly budgets though ?
I think Ron Paul has earned his leg room and then some:wink:
Do those 60% give back a hundred grand plus of their yearly budgets though ?
I think Ron Paul has earned his leg room and then some:wink:

that is a good way of framing the issue, but not the best.

if ron paul truly cares about our taxpayer money, he would (and could) fly cheaper.

Actually the Ron Paul crowd is starting to seem fervent. food/bowl/pillow time then

bowl/fap/pillow time here.

the lively debate has cut into my fapping time considerably.
I don't think anyone actually wants the government to be in that business. I think everyone here is actually unanimous on that one.

Roe v Wade put the government into that business. We even fund abortion murders abroad using Planned Parenthood as the vehicle because of an Obama executive order.

Here we go with the emotional anecdotal argument again....

It's only allowed as a liberal defense tactic? Like when you want to explain your perverse lifestyle?

I said what because your sentence composition is so bad that I didn't understand what you were even saying..

My sentence composition is quite fine, thank you very much. Care to make another stab at your quote? Want me to fix it for you? It has quite a few errors. Wrong word, missing punctuation, and tense agreement issues. I can understand what you say though, without playing dumb. Hypocrite much? What I said may have been a mouthful, but my writings are spoken style in nature. You got the jist if you read the rest, why must you act like that? I'm a professional editor, copy reader and writer. Should I do my comments on a computer next time so they're Wall Street Journal ready and not off the top of my head?
that is a good way of framing the issue, but not the best.

if ron paul truly cares about our taxpayer money, he would (and could) fly cheaper.


Well I would say give guy a break hes old and might need easy acess to the first class bathroom, but I know that wouldnt Fly with you.
Roe v Wade put the government into that business. We even fund abortion murders abroad using Planned Parenthood as the vehicle because of an Obama executive order.

It's only allowed as a liberal defense tactic? Like when you want to explain your perverse lifestyle?

My sentence composition is quite fine, thank you very much. Care to make another stab at your quote? Want me to fix it for you? It has quite a few errors. Wrong word, missing punctuation, and tense agreement issues. I can understand what you say though, without playing dumb. Hypocrite much? What I said may have been a mouthful, but my writings are spoken style in nature. You got the jist if you read the rest, why must you act like that? I'm a professional editor, copy reader and writer. Should I do my comments on a computer next time so they're Wall Street Journal ready and not off the top of my head?

yep, you'll be pretty tough.

*retreating into bushes*


by the way, has everyone noted how i have started to say "ronald the millionaire" when referring to a certain politician? :D
Im just proud to pay 0.0000000000000000000000000000001 cents a year so that Ron Paul can fly 1st class to vote no on the republican and democrat bullshit
I don't prefer any current candidate to neolibertarian Ron Paul (libertarian socialism predates this free market libertarian doctrine).
Oh yeah and Ron Paul can't win Floridia my ass: :)

I don't prefer any current candidate to neolibertarian Ron Paul (libertarian socialism predates this free market libertarian doctrine).

Ron Paul is not neolibertarian for the most part because his foriegn policy.

libertarian socialism predates this free market libertarian doctrine.

True but, why is this important in your view? I don't really see it as significant or even really as having substantial evidence although it is quite obvious when you look at histories great philosophers this seems to be the case indeed you are correct, but less importantly it is really not substantiated.

Left Wing Anarchist are indeed the most well known and in a way I guees you could say they are the foundation for modern anarchy and anti-state views, but libertarianism is not the same.

You know as well as I do it is Noam Chomsky I believe who coined this term "Libertarian Socialist" or the french in the early 1900's and I think these guys is full of themselves really....Pretty sure VM, Heyak, and Thomas Jefferson came before Noam Chomsky. Then we have Thomas Paine, who would definitly be a left wing anarchist. (not a "libertarian socialist")

If you meant to write "Left Wing Anarchy is the Foundation of Anarchy and predates Free Market Libertarians or Anarcho Capitalist or Free Market Anarchist" I would have to agree but you actually wrote that libertarian socialism predates free market libertarian so I believe you are technically incorrect.

but Libertarian Socialist is french and noam chomsky speak from the early 1900's

So anyway forget the typos or whatever and just explain why one set of ideas predating another set would be a good thing or why this important? It seems almost the opposite is true....Although history does repeat itself.