Mim's Garden

Man it's like I'll be sitting there and doing something and I see some crazy shit that people would normally walk right past by, and I have to grab the camera. I was out back smoking a bowl staring at that thing and couldn't resist. Shit look alien
Totally, but that thing looks like it means business, and not the kind you'd want to have.I would use fire , you're welcome.
Hows the cancer leaves doing over there?
Well the small leafs I took last week were brought inside to finish their cure, and seem to be coming along ok so far.... I'll probably try to slice myself a joint size section out of one tonight and see how mad I get trying to roll it. The plants themselves are about 6ft high now and some of the blades are absolutely jurassic. I will start harvesting the big stuff soon as I figure out how to not ruin it.
Haha oh man, so true sometime.
get it wet, but dont baptize it:razz:
those look like they have some times to go, a lil too green na?
yeah i guess so, I honestly have no idea. Some spots are darker brown and pliable like the shit I've bought and smoked, so Imma get myself a lil piece of that and see if I can work it.... I imagine it'll get hit twice, give me a headache and I'll lose 70% interest in the whole project. LOL

It’s looking right?! got some time to go, to get the cure going, don’t they keg it in whiskey barrels?
I def don't have a whiskey barrel on hand lol. I figured I'd smoke it when it's dry enough, but maybe I can mash some into a jar, and try a canna cure on it? idk I really only watched some youtube video of a rasta man who grew it out in a field and had it hanging all over the place just doing whatever with it. He did have a small hut with a smoking fire to maybe do some sort of smoke cure...