Mim's Garden

It’s actually the only drug that can do chromosome damage that is heritable. As I’m sure you’re aware it hits the same neural receptors as opiates as well. I agree, I can’t believe it’s legal either. By little bro has Barrett’s esophagus as well now, not to mention the kidney and liver problems starting. My older bro still has relapses, he called me from a bus stop just before Christmas outside OKC loosing his mind on PCP. I mean his stepson just blew his brains out because he and his wife just cut the 27 year old off from failure to launch funding and he was feeling responsible, but still. He does the whole na cycle too, he’s been doing this since we were kids and he’s 52 now.
I feel for you man. I come from a long line of alcoholics/drug addicts. The shit we've lived, you couldn't write. On a lighter note, I like the term " failure to launch funding", although it is a very common scenario I've seen play out on multiple families. My old timer auto body mentor just lost a nephew to suicide due to the exact same thing. Opiates/Suicides took 80% of my friends an family. I'm happy you're here CC!

My brothers in prison right now for crimes supporting his addiction...saving his life at the moment...he'll parole out n within a week be bk on the street until his PO catches up with him then he'll go bk...n get out n do it again...n again...etc...the only time his mind is right is when he's locked up...
Not to get all AA'ish but the book says that those with mental illness or who are not capable of being honest with themselves "there is little hope"...i think my brother falls into that category...I never let him know where I live bc B n E's are his thing but abt a year ago he was out for a week n in the car with my mom when she swung by for something...I knew then it was comin...bc I work outta town regularly n he knows it...ole lady came home from work one day n bk door was popped...Sour Desiel m Chemical Fire rdy for harvest chopped n gone(I was sick abt that)... tools cash tvs shroom stash odds n ends gone...
It was all replaceable expect the plants

I dont think too many families out there have escaped having an addict of some sort in the family.

Hopefully they'll get it together one day

Man it sucks he couldn't have taken a heroic dose of them boomers and made a few mental adjustments though....

Shit I knew that the US has its problems with Hard drugs epidemics, but, realizing how many people in this here thread are or were effected by it in this way or another really gives a clear perspective on the statistics...that shit is straight depressing. Its really something i know nothing about, and hope to never learn. Stay strong out there, grow the flower, love and enjoy life :), it is great, for the most part.

I bet those stats would outweigh a bunch of other "hot" issues but that wouldn't look too good for the medical mafia system. They just see us as a bunch of drooling customers....... addicted to the idiot box and sold a buncha cures for fake diseases. I try my best to ignore all the madness and enjoy the small beautiful things around me every day. Green vibes your way my friend! :leaf:
I bet, tk seems to cross well. I had some marshmallow og recently that was pretty spectacular and it’s kind of like a cube project from the look of the ancestry. I’m becoming very interested in the tk crosses, and Bodhi is awesome. So short story long, I’m thinking you are in a position to find out! I can’t wait to see what pops out!
I bet, tk seems to cross well. I had some marshmallow og recently that was pretty spectacular and it’s kind of like a cube project from the look of the ancestry. I’m becoming very interested in the tk crosses, and Bodhi is awesome. So short story long, I’m thinking you are in a position to find out! I can’t wait to see what pops out!
Being from Florida I have always wanted to grow out some Triangle crosses. When I was in rehab with a buncha guys from Miami, they always reminisced of "Real Crippy" which is what they called their bud down there, hence my fascination with the Palm Beach (my birthplace) and the Triangle Kush crosses. It's gotta be more than coincidence that the 87( my birth year) Limepop x Palm Beach Sour Apple Diesel found it's way to me... Love Triangle #1 also abbreviates to LT1, which was my father's Sprint car number. I might just be crazy though....
Being from Florida I have always wanted to grow out some Triangle crosses. When I was in rehab with a buncha guys from Miami, they always reminisced of "Real Crippy" which is what they called their bud down there, hence my fascination with the Palm Beach (my birthplace) and the Triangle Kush crosses. It's gotta be more than coincidence that the 87( my birth year) Limepop x Palm Beach Sour Apple Diesel found it's way to me... Love Triangle #1 also abbreviates to LT1, which was my father's Sprint car number. I might just be crazy though....

Hey man,new to your thread. Really nice plants and a great vibe here!

I lived down in the Ft Lauderdale/ Coconut creek area in fall96/97 and that crippy was the shit! There's quite a mystery behind it too. Some say Crippy was a blanket term for all seedless, including outdoor, but i gotta disagree on that one. I really believe it was strain specific, possibly being tk, but i really dont have much to go on. It was the first $50 / eight's i ever paid for and so worth it! Light green, hard nugs with a great flavor which i cant recall,, but it was the best i had at the time. If it was outdoor, someone really knew what they were doing, but Im pretty sure it had to be indoor. Gl with your search if you decide to go that route, I'll be following along.
Hey man,new to your thread. Really nice plants and a great vibe here!

I lived down in the Ft Lauderdale/ Coconut creek area in fall96/97 and that crippy was the shit! There's quite a mystery behind it too. Some say Crippy was a blanket term for all seedless, including outdoor, but i gotta disagree on that one. I really believe it was strain specific, possibly being tk, but i really dont have much to go on. It was the first $50 / eight's i ever paid for and so worth it! Light green, hard nugs with a great flavor which i cant recall,, but it was the best i had at the time. If it was outdoor, someone really knew what they were doing, but Im pretty sure it had to be indoor. Gl with your search if you decide to go that route, I'll be following along.
My mom relocated me to the midwest when I was young so I grew up smoking "Dank" or "hydro" if it was good stuff. The stuff I got in Lake Hamilton when I would visit my Dad was always real good and real cheap, but I was like 12 so it's hard to fully remember. The way that the Miami guys talked about "crippy" it has to be a specific strain! I will forever be on the hunt for it, but I'm not even sure what it is. LOL.
My mom relocated me to the midwest when I was young so I grew up smoking "Dank" or "hydro" if it was good stuff. The stuff I got in Lake Hamilton when I would visit my Dad was always real good and real cheap, but I was like 12 so it's hard to fully remember. The way that the Miami guys talked about "crippy" it has to be a specific strain! I will forever be on the hunt for it, but I'm not even sure what it is. LOL.
I already have more seeds than my little space will ever get through, but now I'm interested in finding some TK seeds. Any idea what direction you'll be headed in as far as a breeder on those?
I'd know Crippy if i ever ran into it again, even if its been almost 25 years.